Monday, 2 March 2015

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

I mainly knew Leonard Nimoy with his Spock role.  I found it cool, as a character.  He was a outsider with some link of a insider.  The character had a duality that made him relatable.  It was also cool to see how his character acted: really calm and logical.  There is a hint of human in him too.   I have learned, with time, how he came up with the Vulcan sign.  I know that on the internet, he tell the tale about it.  It is very entertaining to ear him talk about it.  It was a blessing from his religion.  Looking at something not meant to be seen may have come to a purpose for him.

Maybe Leonard Nimoy was meant to see the blessing and it assured him a place in history.  He had used it respecffully, I think.  He haven't desecrate it and he seems to have the need to explore it.  It had shaped him, in a way.  A few months ago, I learned he had work on this sign in art (photos I think).  I found it intesting that he had a interest in photos.

What I found sad is that I learned more about his career with his death.  I didn't knew he directed "3 men and a baby".  With all this information, I come to think that Leonard Nimoy is a complete person, a artist. Many came out to pay their respects.  It is a good indication of his being.

He is someone that deserve to be remembered.  Live long and prosper in the afterlive, Mr. Nimoy.

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