Tuesday, 10 March 2015

HIstory class should include useless trivia

Just saw this video.  It is about men as first fashion models:

I think there are a few other video with some similar forgotten facts on our past, on the same channel.  It is fun useless facts on history.  History isn't just about dates, chains of events, military battles, about various leaders.  Maybe it is why people don't like history in school.  It feel detached from the lives of people.

Great events are good to know but there isn't just that in history.  What about other area of life?  What is outside purely political life?  History can be made less dry.  Just by telling how people where dressed, how they lived, what kind of music was popular, things that are not longer in used, how clothes were recycled, etc...

People don't always grasped how the generation past lived.  How it could be ressourceful.  Maybe historian are more glory oriented or find it more easy to study big events before the life of commoner.

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