Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Discovering a glitch

I always thougth that bad luck happened to other when it comes to computer glitches, especially for texts.  I always been lucky enough to never loose data.  Well, today, I wanted to access a text.  I discovered that the text I opened only had two pages and I knew it had more.  Even the backup had the same problem.  My only hope now reside in the paper version I have and where I made some improvement.  It will be a pain to type it all over again.  I guess that I am not immune to technological gliches.  I just wonder that even safeguard had failed me too.  I still wonder how it got to this way.  I come to think it had to do with some unforeseen curruption or an accidental mishap on my part.

I don't understand what happened.  I guess it may be time to find a third way to safeguard all of my texts.  I have a lot of big chunky long texts.  I put a lot of effort in them.  On the other hand, I am lucky to have learned how to type fast.  Not fast enough to my taste but enough that I will be able to repair this glich.  At least, I have discovered all this.  Not too late to fix it.

Technology is good.  It is nice to keep my texts on a computer and where I can edit them easily.  In my experience in other area, when technology goes bad, it is a pain.  It is not funny, especially the alternative that must be taken.  This may be why I am not too deeply immersed in technology.  My texts are the most important data I have on my computer.

Now, this event force me to work on my texts and be more up to date in my revision.

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