Monday, 6 March 2017

Some Real People should be character

I watched this video on a socialite who passed 24 years in a hotel room with minimum contact with the exterior:
Her name was Ida Wood  In resime, she was a poor gal who found an interesting way to marry a rich guy.  The guy dies after a few years.  She had invested money along the years and after her husband die, she takes her money.  It is at this point that she retreated in the hotel room.

Just with that, I can make the following statement: That woman is sure real but she could be easily turned into a fictional character and have her own book.  Her life seems to have a lot of good fictional material.  For sure, her life is stranger than fiction.

It is just amazing that some people have a life that should be more in the realm of fiction than the real life.  For sure, it is always a pleasure to learn about those people.  They are surely inspire writers or other people in showbizness.  Nothing is better than real life to inspire fiction!

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