Thursday, 20 November 2014

Script and various things on my nerves

I don't know if it is my intense writing bubble right now but I see some flaws in various places.  Maybe I am sharpening my writing skills and never realised it before.  It is not really about grammar.  More how things can be scripted, about titles and the bells and ropes of writing.  I suspect that I know more about writing now.  In addition, I put to practice what I learned.  So, I may be more sensible to what I see.

For example, I have looked at some videos on  Right away, I can see if the video is well scripted or not.  I don't have much knowledge about script nor practice.  I do have a more general knowledge of writing.  Even with that, I can see if the script is good or not.  I found that quite interesting as a phenomenon.  I think I am gaining some experience in writing.  I can now discriminate between something well scripted from the bad scripted videos.  It would probably applied to everything else.

Another irritating fact: title.  It apply to everything: books, videos, etc...  I would rate that my number one frustration, just before bad script.  The title should refflect the content.  I hate when I see a title that sound interesting.  Once I pick it up and the content diverge from the title, I see red.  It seems to be quite common on youtube.  It is where I saw that mistake the most.  It makes me want to slap the people that came up with the titles.

My writing is not perfect, I know.  But  I try to improve myself.  I learn and I practice writing.  What I see, sometimes, seems hopeless or the people doesn't feel the need to improvement.  Of course, I don't have anything published, nothing that is widespread, yet.  I am working on my texts before spreading them into the world.  I am not a professional writer but I try to be conscious and professional.  That line of thinking isn't widespread, it seems.

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