Monday, 10 November 2014

An article on artists, in French

I hope the link is still here:

It is in French.  What it is say is simple.  Artists can't live from their arts.  There also some project they have that they start but that never see fruitition.  The artists have to pay for those projects.   Even with their projects that see the daylight, they have to pay too.  It is a no win situation.

It is sad to see that.  Art can be a luxury, yes.  On the other way, there are people who live from art.  I wonder why a project don't goes full term to the end.  The article is short.  Would have been great to know the reasons behind this.  I wonder, also, why the artist end up with the "invoice" of an unfinished job.  If it is an personal project, it is understandable.  Otherwhile, I am a pit puzzled.

The article left me with some questions.  I know that art and books are the first to be chopped when there are compression.  It is easy to cut there first.  People accept that without much thinking.  There are even people who want to pull all the money from art and put it for people in need.  It could be a noble act.  I can't goes against that line of thinking.  I just wonder what people will do with their free time if they chop art, books and entertainment completely.  It can't be done totally.  Grafitis are there to prove my point.   I consider it an artform and a way to express frustration and hopelessness.   Even if not all the basic needs are met, there is a need to change it's mind from the hardship of life.  The Roman had understood it perfectly when they says "bread and games."

It would be great to find a compromise between artists being able to do their jobs and the hard uncompromising reality.  I don't consider myself a professional artists yet.  I am just an amateur artist who need to express herself, on her own term.

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