Tuesday, 25 November 2014

homemade notebooks

I discovered some videos on the coptic stitch binding.   Here one of them, to get an idea of what it is:
I finally looked at them.  It brought back fun memories of my first year in college.  I had a class on book repair.  The very first thing we made was a notebook, to understand how books were made.  It was a different technique than the coptic stitch.  We made groves instead.  After that, we put some strings in the groove.  Glue was applied, we also added a cotton mesh, also with glue.  It was left to dry on a book press or heavy books.  After that, we applied something similar to a duck tape on the back.  And I think it was pretty much all.  I don't remember if we put an cardboard in front and in the back.  I am not sure.  I remember seeing a tape being put between the cover and the rest of a book (or was it our notebook.  Frustrating that it was so long ago!)

Well, I took a look on another site for a tool I remember using at school and that I saw in one of the videos.  I found it but I also found books about book binding.  If I didn't made that research, I wouldn't know there was books on that subject!  After the videos and my unexpected discovery, I am tempted to make other homemade notebooks.  It been a while since I ap picking up an "craft" after leaving it for a few years.  I also think that now it is the right time to return to what I have learned in my class on book repairs and on how to do notebooks.  I am ready for that.  Maybe I will make some people jealous or envious so it will give me the opportunity to make notebooks as gift.  Would makes me practice more!  (-:

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