Tuesday, 9 January 2018

When Archaeology is useful

I just saw this video on Egyptian Bue:
It is about finding it's recipe and it's special properties.  Technical but finding the knowledge is quite interesting.  It prove that archaeology is not only for Indiana Jones fan.  It can have useful result.  It is what I like about archaeology.  It can be an useful sicence.  Finding forgotten objects or useful topics that still have relevance today, in our modern world.

It is like fashion.  Everything have a life cycle before getting out of fashion to better return to the forefront.  Archaeology is useful to discover lost knowledge or getting on the path of solving ancient misteries.  Not everything can be uncovered but archaeology can lead to, at least,  hypothesis.  It is fun to see that our modern technology can help find out some ancient knowledge from people supposely less advanced than us.  Our predecessors are not dumb.  They had a lot of spare time in their hands.  They probably were going by trial and errors.  They were putting the foundations of our technological world.

It is sure that we do not know every detail of the discovery of the Egyptian Blue.  The Ancient Egyptians were on something they didn't see all the potential.  It is were we pick up the find and put it a step farther.  This is creation, invention and exploring various paths can lead.  It can take time but it goes further on to it's conclusion.  This is the reasons that archaeology can be useful today.

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