Tuesday, 16 January 2018

LIght and Darkness

LIght and shadow put a show in trees.  I find that attractive.  There is more.  There is an infinite way to blend light and shadow.  I still learn from that.  It is quite a challenge to capture what the eye can see when there is newby amateur photographer is debuting in the photo world.

I took this photo during the day:
I took the same photo at night, with the hose exterior's light on:
Here is another try a few second later with some lights from where I was:

Okay, I admit it, still learning and I forgot to remove the flash before taking the photo.  But It chanbe everyting, especially the mood.  It almost look stary.  I find amusing with the night time photo: the two light look like two eyes in the darkness.

I like making experience like that.  I like light and shadow.  Black and white photos could be for me.  I just have to gain more experience and not forget what I learned.

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