Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Motif or imprint

A while ago, around 5 years ago, I took a silver clay class. Well, it was a workshop lasting for a day.  It was nice to learn more about silver clays. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_clay and it look like this, in the package: http://www.metalclays.com/art-clay-silver-950).

We had some plastic pieces that had some imprint.  We used it to transfer the imprint on the piece of clay.  It give a nice pattern on the silver clay.  I liked doing that.  The teacher said that she find the plastic pieces with the pattern in dollar stores.  Since then, I was on the look out for those when going into dollar stores.  Never found them.  Well, now, I found two pieces that could fit the bill.  It is different from those I had in the workship.  I do hope to find other pieces like that that will have different pattern.  For now, It is more geometrical:
It is a start.  It will be fun to experiment with the next time I will work with metal clay.  I didn't used this material much since the workshop.  I think it was once since then.  It is time to try metal clay again.  In any way, it will not be wasted.  I can use it for fimo for sure.  For resin, I am not sure.if it would work.  Maybe in very small amount.

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