Monday, 31 December 2018

Looking at all I have done

In the past year, I have done various projects.  I got a bit more serious in understanding written knitted pattern.  I also got into an adventure with drawing.  In the few classes that I took for drawing, I learned a lot.  I also liked being pretty much the only one doing the drawing.  I also saw that the basic class that I had so long ago was really an introduction.  In that class, I did not really got deeply into drawing.  I learned a lot during that classes and I do not regret having taken them.  I had practiced a lot too!

It was a year where I tried a lot of new things.  I was able to put my hand into new things and tried many things.  I liked that very much.  I want to do more now that the hamster wheel of experimenting have started.  I have tried and got hooked with the cross stitches and embrodery maybe a year and a half but I have done a lot all by myself in that area.  I guess that the next logical step will be to go a level up in that area.

A year of breaking new ground.   It is something that need to be celebrated.  I get out of my confort zone especially with the drawing.  I knew many things but mainly details and not really the basic.  Now, I have started to see the basic and I feel that, in the end, will be able to experiment with it, as I like to do with everything that I learn.  I guess that I like learning new skills.  I just have to discover how to link all those new skills and see if I can connect them all together.  I have to make sense of those techniques and see if I can use them intelligently.  I feel that all that learning is a bit disconnected right now.  I may be aspiring to unity in variety.  Next year may be the year where I find the connecting thread to my expanding learning...

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Wearable art

I am not really into fashion.  I do not like logo.  What I am discovering lately?  Well, I knit a lot.  I have done a few garnemt: 4 poncho children size, 2 set of leg warmers, a set of fingerless glove, a few scarves and a few tuques.  It won't end there.  I have a lot of projects to do in that area.  I do not have a style but I think that it is not that important.  I think that I am hooked in doing. 

I do not only want to do knitting.  I also got hooked with tye dye and the various similar products in that category.  I have tried various ones.   I have not really tired of it.  I think I will stick with the tye dye and the one that is in a can.  I had good reasult with both of them and I am ready to experiment more on this.  It just fun to put the colours on the textile.  I had tried the various pattern too and a very few free hand style.  I think I will want to do more improvisation and testing, to be more on my own.

Maybe my own style will grow out of it.  I guess it will only take a bit more times.  For sure, I will have to do some more discoveries.  It is something that I don't know much about.  Not at all familiar with fashion.  On the other hand, maybe, it can be a good thing that I don't know much.  It may enable me to go in directions that other would not go.  I observed that I learn a lot by doing and testing the ideas I have in my head.  The learning in that ways seems to stick more into my memory.  I do not think to end in a museum.  It is not my goal.  I guess that making is my ultimate goal.  Be it becoming my style or being void of anything.  It is just that I discovered another way to express myself.  It is something where I am able to do and where I don't feel like an alien.

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Something for a day off

I found some edible craft in this video:
I like the muffins with the sheep, the owl and the panda.  I also love the one with the orange and watermelon.  It is the kind of project to do while on a day off, not being stressed out.  It gives ideas too.  I see it as a starting point to jump and play with food!  Well, not with hands and eating.  It is more playing with food to do something that will be eaten later.  I will not be able to do many of the projects in the video like the cow or sheep (I am not sure which is which).  But I like the idea to shape gellatin into various shapes.  I like that idea and I am tempted to play and test with this.

This kind of video is also fun in a context of festivity.  I am sure all those items could be done in a group setting, giving a kitchen big enough to do it.  For sure, it will get a sugar rush to all the participants after the party!  It is only bad on the sugar level in the blook stream.  No worry for the alcohol level!  But thinking about it, small amount of liquor could be incorporated even if I doubt it will enhance the result.  It will crash the party.

All in all, it is nice to see some fun projects that can be done in the kitchen.  The most hard is to wait in the chilling period.  It can't be skipped, of course but better to do it a little bit in advance.  I think I will go back to watch it.  Time to takes notes and maybe jolting some ideas in the mix!

Monday, 24 December 2018

Peoples that are themselves

 I am the first to admit it: being around people is not my strong point.  I avoid the crowd, whenever I can, where ever it is.  One on one person meeting is okay.  But when there is an interesting person, I do not shy away.  By interesting person, I am talking about a person like the one talking in this video:
That man talk about old guitars.    He seems to be authentic, approachable and is passionate about his interest about guitar.  I may not share his passion about old guitar but what I like in him: his individuality.  He is a person that go down to his interest and not bother about what other people think. 

There was no critique about his lifestyle in the video.  It is  not the point anyway.  He have something to say and he look confident.  He know his stuff and share with people who are also passionate as he is.  It is nice to see a video like that.  I like that kind of person that is happy by something that he like.  The world need a bit more of people who are more interested in their passion.  It is better than going to war.

I think it is great to listen to this guy.  What I liked the most: when he say to play with old guitar.  I agree that musical instrument are not good at gathering dust.  Guitar are meant to be play, whatever the age of the instrument.  Having fun with a possession, especially when you know how to use the item, it is a precious moment.  Why just look at it?  Just looking at objects seems to be akin to the collections of a museum.  Playing a musical instrument is an intangible work of art.  It bring appreciation and I find it a creative outlet.  Playing for ourselves or for other, it does not matter.  The important is to enjoy the moment of music expression!

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Rock painting: I wonder and other products

When I go craft shopping, I always wonder if items are good or not.  If it is worth to use a particuliar product or not?  I am at the point of wondering if rock painting kits are worth to try and test (  I think I am now ready to try it.  I guess the kit is not that essential except to have an idea on how it is done, an introductory package.  A good kickstart is always good: it lead to getting more confidence and experience under the belt.

I also often wonder if crafting products are really worth it or not.  There are times where I imagine opening a crafting labs where various crafting kits would be tested and evaluated.  I wonder if it would be a fun process to do, on the long run.  Recently, I was able to see an activity were some products were tried by some children.  There was some more popular than others.  I was able to see the crayola crayon melter (  I do not know if it was due to the heavy use but I was not impressed with the result.  It had been heavily used, so I may be biased.  I am not ready to buy a kit and test it further.  If there is another occasion to test it further, to see if my perception is justified, I will do it for sure.

Experimenting and testing can be fun.  Hitting the less good products is less fun.  If often lead to the impression of waisting money.  I would like to see a place where there is unbiased evaluation of some products.  If it does not exist, I wonder if I would be good at it?

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Christmas t-shirts

It is always good to get inspired by other doing crafty projects.  I did not made those t-shirts but I find them quite inspiring:

There was two choices for those t-shirts.  The other choice was a llamas.  But those reendeers are quite nice.  It can be personalized and the results is quite personal.  The reendeer head and antlers are made of felt.  Well, it is opening new area to explore when it comes to t-shirts creation.  It is always nice to have my mind blown and new doors of creation opening up.

I like getting a jumpstart from something that I didn't expected.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Children Looming kit -- Well the result

I did not do this one but it is an interesting result (not perfect but interesing):
I like the colours.  I will be able to find the yarn for that loom and that match this one.  It is not a large loom.  As the result is seen, it is a sqare one.  Here is the loom itself:

I show both side.  I may try it at a later date but I am more interested in the result.  It is different of what I tried with other looms.  A small bag could be made with two piece of woven pieces, if it can survive the sewing.  It is worth of experimenting.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

I will miss this place!

I feel nostalgic before time.  This saturday, it will be the last time I will go to this place:

I was there for the last two years on many saturday morning.  The place have it's charm.  I was feeling great there, at ease.  Now, next years, I will go somewhere else for most of my saturday mornings.  I just hope it will be as cozy as shown on the pictures.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Some interesting way to shop gifts!

Going in places where there is physical or speech therapy is always enlightening.  It can gives ideas for gifts.  It is something I found out this past few days.  I don't think that leaving trays of toys around, in the corridor, is good per say.  It was just instructive for the passerby.  I found, well it is more a popular toy that children had played under my nose.  They show an interest in it.  Here is the box:
 Here is a peek inside:
The pieces to makes the birds have some small magnetic point to get all stick together  There is a stand shown here and there is two trees that hold the stand.  We only see one.  There are place to put the birds on the pegs.  No gadget, made of wood and simple to play.  It last a long time,  There are times where I think it is the kind of toys we should return to, as gifting goes.  Those kind of toys is more of an investment and can last for a long time.

Monday, 10 December 2018

New ways to play with snow!

Well, the pictures speaks for themselves!  Can be better stick some snow to the trees than rolling the snow into balls and a snowman.  It does not stick to the trees but it is cool to look at!

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Autism / Asperger

I got my label.  It is official.  I had done the tests and it is crytal clear.  I am not happy to have a label but it explain a lot.  It explain a lot of my past.  It also makes me angry because no one had seen it before.  No one had seen it even if I had seen psychologists in a children specialized hospital.  I am also angry to my first grade teacher that saw my lack of interest in others.  My label makes her right in what she saw in me.  I also feel that a lot of people had failed me and maybe I failed myself.  I have not clicked on that sooner.  It would had saved me a lot of trouble if I had the help I needed back then.  It would had helped some of my entourage too.

I also saw a psychologist as a teenager.  I am not angry with that psychologist.  She had helped me more on some aspects of my life.  At least, it was her that connect me with a dream journal.  My dream journal had been a corner stone of my life.  It was also nice to talk to that psychologist.  She had the knack with younger people, well with me.

Now that the process is done, I feel better.  It explain it a lot.  Now, the next step.  I probably will move on and be able to explain my unconventional behavior.  It will  save me a lot of trouble in a social context.  It would be nice to have a person who would speak for myself.  It would be something nice because my personal speaker would explain everything better.

I am a bit curious how it will affect me now that I have the label.  I wonder if this will come with some advantage, even if I am an adult.  I wonder if it will improve my life.  It relate more to the future, anyway and in a sense, it does not change much.  The future is always unknown, so it does not change too much.  I don't think I will wait for long to see what that label will bring to me.  For the rest, time to return to create and do some craft!

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Latch hook with horse that have an arror in it.

Just finished the latch hook with the horse that have an error in it.  I switched two colors and realized too late the error.  I patch it the best I could with some yarn.  Here is the result, raw and uncut:
Here is where I cutted the excedent yard that was too long:
It look really good after the excess yarn is removed.  The yarn I added is really visible at the top of the head, around the ears and above the eye.  I have another kit and this time, I will not do the mix up!  I have my lesson!  It is a big project with many colours and I guess that the various tones had mixed up, well, it is true for the two colours that I mixed, at least.

Here is the back of that horse:
I find this side more interested and more good looking.  It show a little bit less that some yarn had been replaced.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Making a discovery

Saturday, at the place I usually go, I discoverd something that I did not expeced.  There is a closed place that was open that day.  I entered it and discovered that it was leading to office.
Here what I am talking about:
First, the entrance look like the front of a house:
Once entered inside, there is a big room that lead to the various offices:
There was more office there that I thought it would.  I would never had guess there was office in there.  It was nice discovering that.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Some are misunderstood, even myths are sometimes misunderstood

I often feel misunderstood.  I must admit that nothing beat the misunderstanding of Oedipus.  Oedipus' story is a myth that people doesn't truly understand, maybe because Freud did not care about the myth to fit his theory, only the general idea of loving the parent of the opposite sex.  For those who don't know the whole myth, here is a recap in 3 videos of the story:

So, all this come to one realisation: the terrible deed was done out of ignorance and good intention.  Nobody asked questions.  It was too late that all that Oedipus finally see his error.  It is great Greek drama at it's best.  The only good thing that Oedipus would really be remembered for: his encounter with the Sphinx.  For the rest, it was only good for a dramatic movie.  There is also a follow up of the story of Oedipus.  One was how he ended (in Athens, of course) and his two sons are battling each other.  I think it is the only story in Greek mythology that have such follow up of a tourmented family.

This is why I consider Oedipus as an oddity and a case of being misunderstood.  No one stop and learn about his story and his family.  They surely could be adapted for a more modern story, for sure.  Just waiting to see if it will be done some day.  There had been a lot of movies that have mythology or Greek history in the past.  I hope it will be a few others in the future.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

No iron but interesting way to do it

I found a new way to do bead without iron.  Here is the result:
Okay, I admit it, it is both the same one that I purchased twice.  It was the only model in the store.  The remaing beads were from both packaging.  It was quickly done.  I like the idea of putting the beads into the special canvas and leaving the beads there.  No iron.  The canvas is deep enough to let the beads there.  They seems to be secure for now.  I just not ready to put them on my pack back.

I would curious to know if there is other design.  I would be ready to try other patterns that way.

Monday, 26 November 2018


Shopping and taking photos is a good combinaison.  I tried it.
Nice color of yarn:

 In the middle row, there is my favorite yarn:
 Really big needdles and crochet, not tempted to try them at the moment:
 Some nice fabrics.  I am not talking about the ones with the dots:

 Interesting floss:
 Now, there is big ball of yarn.  Great to to finger and arm knitting:
 Definitively not buying this cross:
 Would do nice tray with some resin and proper paint:
 Oh, memory!  I didn't knew that character was still around and popular!  Not the same design that was in my books as I was a child:

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Oh! I forgot about the Sims!

There is a video that is about doing twisted things with the Sims:  There is mainly various ways to kill a character of the games or do something a bit cruel that we wouldn't do in a real life situation.  I forgot a bit about that game.  It was fun to play.

What would be fun to do is another video on fun and wild things that could be done with the sims.  I think of the woo hoo.  I think that was among the best and fun things to do with a sims.  There was also fun to see the interaction between sims, making two becoming friends or lovers.  I like starting from the start and from nothing and get everything build up from the ground.

I guess it can be time to experiment with the sims and create some new ones along the way.  It was fun to play that game.  I am not very good with video games.  So, if one is relatively easy to play and got hooded me, all the better!

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Finding a new soap base!

I have found a new soap base, well, it is new for me.  Maybe that soap base is not that new to the world but I just notice it:
It is nice to sea a soap base with lavender.  I will not put lavender oil while doing soap making with those soap basees.  I wonder if it will smell of lavender.  I never used those soap bases, well, I do not remember using them.  So, details can be important and I see it now.

I like using new things and making experiments.  I know how tu uses soap bases now. I have taken a class, a few years ago on soap making.  So, now I will be doing some new soap!

Monday, 19 November 2018

I am not perfect!

I have started a knitting project with circular needle, well circular bamboo needle to be exact.  It does not lead to my first error:
Yes, I did it: an basic error in ribbing!  It almost can be seen as an debutant error.  I knit 4 stiches on the same side, not alternating 2 stiches right and 2 stitches on the other side.  It is a bit embarassing error because I did that kind of pattern of alternating stiches on a regular basis.  This is why I say it could pass as a debutant error.

The second error I did was a bit more excusable because it was my first try at cable stitch.  I knew how to do cable on a theoric level.  No practice to complement the knowledge.  In addition of that error, I made another error: not reading the instruction right.  I thought it was as another part of the pattern of the row:
I thought I should go on at first but I am on the fence.  Now that I have two big mistakes, I think it may be time to go back and unravel.  All that to make it right.  Well, it is all on learning the concrete and practical side of the theory.  There is also the part that what I had done wrong was pretty compact.  Really, I am learning of this!  I feel bad that to learn, I have to make this kind of mistake. I should be more careful and more looking more carefully at the instruction.

Of course, I will not reppeat this error twice.  It prove that I can makes mistakes and it is not always fun to do them.  The learning is there but it is painful to know that there is two mistakes.  I see it and I know about them.  It bugs me.  On one side, I want to repair my error and on the other side, I want a little reminder that I made two mistakes and I do not want to repeat them.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Practicing shapes

In my drawing classes, I learn making shapes.  A lot of practice too.  Drawing is one craft that takes all the practice that it needs to get better.  I am among the ones that may takes a little longer time to get it right and getting it better.  No hurry, everyones end up at the finish line anyway.  I am in a mixed class: drawing and various painting medium (aquarelle, acrylic, oil...)  I am the only one who draw.  There was a few classes where there was another one who draw but he was drawing bodies, so more advanced.  I don't think I will do bodies.  I consider maybe doing something with colour pencil.
My shapes are still a work in progress.  More elaborate drawing seems to be in a distant future...

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Testing new Knit

As seen, I am knitting round and round for a new knitting project.  It will be a bag with cable.  I know how to do cable but it will my first hand on cable knitting.  Another first: the bamboo needle.  For now, not too bad for the needle.  Of course, the feel is not metallic.  I will see if those will be durable.  I will be on the look out for the wear and tear.  What I don't like about metallic needles: they can bend.  I do have at least two pairs of metallic needle that are bended.  They are still usable but it nis not a pretty sight.

So, I go into the unknown and I experiment.  Once getthing the knack of going round, it is easy to take the beat.  Only the first few row that were a bit ackward.  After that, I got the rhythm.  Now, I will go for the cable.  I will have to get the beat out of it.  I guess it will add a level of concentration and being careful with the pattern.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Trying something new.

I try fused beads.  Here are the results:
Not perfect yet, expecially with the owl.  I need to be more concentrated on the iron.  It most be hot and I must do circular motion.
The video here: had given some ideas on how to do it.

I also found a youtube channel with a very good video with more details and with 3 methods:

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Why entering the madness?

I am questionning everything at ths time of year.  On a lot of things.  One of them is almost a first world creative questionning: Why do I feel the urge to do Nanowrimo? (  Why do I imposse writing 50 000 words during 30 days on myself?  In the beginning, I wanted to get out some ideas I had for years and translate them into paper and out of my head.  Nanowrimo was, then, a quick way to write the stories.

Now, what motivate me to write?  I feel it had change.  I no longer old stories ideas that I wanted to write.  Now, this year, I have been head on for a carefree story.  Nothing planned except for the caracters.  As I started, I had an idea on how to start.  The other thing I wanted to do, this year: to break the stereotype of a genre.  Going my way and having fun with a genre that I hate.

Thinking of it, I may have become addicted in winning Nanowrimo.  There is nothing to gain except crossing the line of 50 000 words.  Maybe the untangible goal is what makes me do this madness almost every years.  When I didn't participated, I had good reasons.  Maybe I should have more good reasons not to do it.  I may be a competitor when it comes to writing and Nanowrimo.  Maybe I shoule try camp nanowrimo instead (in April or June next year)  Maybe it would change the scratching from one place to another.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

End of the batch of cupcakes

Just ended the batch of cupcakes for this time of year.  They don't look like what that had been made durinig class.  Well, it can be put under the personal expression:
Well, the little hands that made those had a lot of fun doing them.  I am tempted to adapt what is learned for Christmas and Easter.  It will be a success if it end as those examples above with the fun.  It was worth the smell of the sugary smell coming from the kitchen.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Poncho completed

I have completed the poncho that I have started:
The finishing was not as hard than I have expected.  Now, I am ready to do another 2 or 3 ones  but bigger.  I have plenty of various yarn very well suited for this one pattern.  I am ready to tackle other knitting projects!

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Spooky Cupcakes

New projects done but it wasn't me who done them:
Two small creators have done them.  Eyes, bats and mummies are well into season.  We haven't make the spider yet (with the web)  but it is on the list of to do.  There are plenty cupcakes to decorate.  Fondant, buttercream and food coloring had been used.  Some of them have been already been eaten.

It been fun doing them.  I may try my hand at doing them.  I have taken notes while those decoration were made.  So, I will be able to retrace the steps in making them.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Poncho in the making

I have a poncho in the progress.  It is kid size:
I have started the hood even if it doesn't like one yet.  I have to put some buttoms too, at each side.  This will makes where the arms will stick out of the poncho.  I like the colours.  It takes two big balls of yarn (chunky cakes, triffle).

I intend to do some more, of various sizes.  I am happy to learning something new and challenging.  Of course, I am learning from this experience.  The next ones will be done a bit better and differently.  The pattern is the same all the way: Irish Moss, I think it is the name of the stitch.  Two row to give the same effect and a switch for the next two row.  Two row after two rows, inverting along the way.  Pretty easy to follow.  I may use that pattern for other projects like a blanket or a scarf.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Practical craft project and debunking a myth

There is something attractive in practical craft project.  Its those projects that end up with a object that is uselful and nothing is wasted.  Practicality is a big plus for me.  I found a video ( that show how to do a cutlery pouch with a napkin that go along,  So, no more need to buy plactic ustensils.  I didn't have thought of that but it is a promising project to make.  I am not that good for sewing, even with a machine, so, it is out of my lead.  It look so easy on the video, even if it look rushed a little bit.  For sure, she seems to be very sure of herself.

It all comes up with finding the right idea for the right task, it seems.  I found another video on debunking the myth of the torutre artist (  There is a link, at least, in my head.  Creating an useful items makes someone a creator and in extension, an artist.  Designing the ustensils pouch was thoughtful, yes, but it was also an idea.  I don't know if the person had thought a lot on the fabric and how to do it long.  No one saw the creative process but it may not have been hurtful or out of a painful situation.  It was probably more: «Oh, I don't want to buy a plastic fork.  I better find something to do the work.»

There is so much myths for various area of our lives.  Why carrying them when there isn't much truth to them?  The torture artist may want to be in that way but the process is her own.  Each artist have a way to work, being tortured or not.  The mind work for itself and not for the others.  I like to explore and try various things.  There was time that I have stumble on something while trying something new.  Other times, it was more while trying to find a solution to a problem during creation.  Creating can hurt because turning an idea to a solid product can be hard.  This is where the tortured artist myth may have risen.  Well, it is my theory.  It may be part of a bigger whole but now, it is where I am at.  An idea can evolve throught time or it can be the same.  It is just a matter of the person being ready to create.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

There are period of time in a life.

I am taking a leap into something unknown.  Usually, I don't like having a tag on me.  I remember, in high school, about the various clans: the popular ones, the preppies ones, the sports ones, the geeks ones.  I was the outsider.  A rock solid outsider.  Have been in that category for years.  Once, almost at the end of my high school, there was a girl, always dressed up in black.  She didn't have any make up.  No elaborate goth clothing or mindset.

Once, we were a few students with her.  She started to speak about goths.  She said there were goth that were just goth for a time period, in their teenage years.  There were also more permanent goth.  There was the category of goth that will never recognize they are goth, not even by how they clothes themselves.  She pointed at me and said I was in that category.  I was unhappy by that.  I hate being put in a category.

Since then, I recognize she may have been partly right but not totally.  I didn't made any conscious choice on being in the goth world.  I like a few things that could be considered goth: The Addams Family,  old litterature like Anne Ratcliffe books, I like songs like Bauhaus's Bella Lugosi's death.  That song is consider goth, I think.  But the theme can't be more gothic than anything else.  Bella Lugosi is the first actor, on the movie screen, that portrait Dracula, the one from the book, well, the first I know of.  Being death as he was famous for his Dracula role is a bit ambiguous.  Physical death as he live on the silver screen.  I consider that as a eternal life without the body and in cultural archetype is a way to stay alive.  In a way, it is gothic.

I am not totally comfortable with the tag of being gothic.  I may have been perceived as gothic without admitting it to that girl.  But I think it wasn't just that.  She didn't had access deep into my soul.  She didn't knew me as far as I lived within myself.  She saw a part of me for a certain period of time and get her own conclusion from her point of view.  Hard to put words on that at that time.  Now, with my baggage of experience, I can see what she saw in me.  It is just not totally wrong, it is not totally true.  So, now, I feel a bit wiser and felt it was time to dig a more deeper.  I also stumbled on some information on Asperger and Autism.  I know, Asperger is no longer called Asperger.  It had been swept into the Autism umbrella.  It is partly why I feel that way about being put a tag on me.  It can change with time, not just because of studies made by scientists.  Words can change a bit with time.  It can have some more spin to it.  As goth originate in the punk movement.

So, getting tested for the vast spectrum of Autism is a step into the unknow.  Of course, there is a chance that I will have a new tag.  I will not like it.  It will pass better as being a new mask to put on to describe me.  It will be another part of me that will explain the past, the present and the future.  It will help me understood why I am the way I am.  It will be as the word goth that had been put on me by that girl in high school.  If I see this girl again, I will be able to say to her: "You put a label on me that many years ago.  You may be partly right.  But I am not just that.  I also have received another label that explain as much as what you saw in me.  There are words that may overlap in their meanings."

Because of that incident, I never put label on people.  What do we know on how people feel, deep inside.  There are part of ourselves that never had chances to show up to the world.  I have my fascination with my inspiration.  I also wonder how my mind work.  Even if I hate having tags on me, sometimes, there is a necessity to have words to describe what we are.  It is time to name my beast to shed some light on my past, so I can move forward.  Moving forward with new knowledge on myself may help me avoid some painful experiences.

I think it is akin of embarking in any creative process.  There is always a part of the unknown.  The unknown is always the most frightening part.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

A discovery: fused bead

I just discovered fused bead.  Well, I decided to give it a try.  I found one that was with no fusing (well ironing).  It was with spraying some water on the beads and letting it dry for an hour.  I didn't took any photo and maybe I should have.  On the other hand, there was not much choice of models in the store.  It is a bit of a shame because it is less demanding than the ironing version.

For the ironing version, I have made a spider.  Again, I forgot to take a photo.  But the result was very satifying.  It is just the ironing that I had doubts.  I wasn't sure if I ironed enough.  I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.  It was not that easy to iron as explained in the instruction.  It was a bit sticky.  Well, it was my impression.  Maybe I set up my iron too hot?  I put it on the max setting.  The instructions weren't that detailed on the setup for the iron.    Maybe I should look up at the website of the compagny (  I will have to explore the website a bit more.  For what I can quickly see, there are a way lot more on the website than in the store.

I have taken a few more items, here are they:
I think I will have much fun doing Wonder Woman.  It is an extensive project but the end result will be stunning.  The bucked of beads will be fun in many ways.  There is projects in it.  I hope too to have some place to experiment along the way.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Beginning better at heatgears

I think I like this tuque, well, this pattern of tuque.  It is long and there are nice colours.  The pompom is already made.  It was really easy to put the pompom on the rest.  It was quickly done.  I have liked doing this one. 

The instructions were not that hard to follow.  The main trick was to go row by row, one at a time.  Not that long ago, I was intimidated by knitting instructions.  All those abreviations is like a foreign language.   The solution is to having a Rossetta Stone to know how to decode all abreviations.  There are some that are rarer than others, it seems.  Well, now, I feel enough confident to do more projects.  It is sure that there will be some part of a written pattern that will be an unknown.  With the right kind of assistance, I am confident to go over it.

Next fiber craft to get more confidence: crochet.  I know how to do a chain of mail and that's it.  I think it is the outmost basic thing to do in crochet.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

How long will it last?

I must admit I am in a period of creation.  It is not in jewelry, it is not in writing, no fimo.  It is in the fiber arts, especially in knitting.  I also have a few projects that I want to do with crochet.  So, my creativity lead me in that way right now.  From past experience, I can guess it will be an intense period of activity in knitting and crochet before I ride another creative wave.

It is good, it is bad but at the end, I follow the lead.  I am not always happy by the mono burst of creation I can have.  There are time where I want a more varied projects.  Other times, I am happy concentrating on one type of project.  Obsession may have a thing to say in all that mono creation frenzy.  It is a permission to push some projects further on and even finish some.  Moods is finicky, sometimes.

So, I wonder how long this period will last.  Will it be short, will it be longer?  Will it be a definite period of time, a window on my life where I met some people and end up going our separate way later on?  It is a great time but at the same time, sad.  I feel that I will have to eventually turn to new horizon, to another period of life with a set of new people and other projects.  Transition is not easy for me.  So, I will ride the wave the best I can and see how far it will go.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Quick interesting knit

Well, didn't needed the class on knitting to makes those two projects.
Leg Warmers:
Fingerless gloves:

The finderless gloves was done in a day.  It was quick to make.  Now, I can do cool knitting all by myself.  I still have a place to go when I have questions.  Next project is a bigger one: a poncho and there will be questions to be asked.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Scarf making

Taking baby step for instruction and it give that kind of result:

It is a long one.  5 patters repeated 4 times.  It is done in 2 halves.  I think that I miscalculated one half because the other one was longer.  I got out to knit to fill the shorter one.  It doesn't show on the photo.  when I will wear it, I will be a bit careful not to show the patching I made.  I can have the excuse that it is handmade.  It just bug me.  I am tempted to try it again, a try to get it right.  The second times seems to improve things, usually.  Well, it is really true that practice makes perfect. 

That scarf is my first attempt to follow a pattern.  Could have been worse.  It was just taking some time to make.  What I dislike the most: putting the two halves together and tucking the loose ends in.    Beside that, once the pattern is understood, it is easy to knit it.