Thursday, 18 October 2018

How long will it last?

I must admit I am in a period of creation.  It is not in jewelry, it is not in writing, no fimo.  It is in the fiber arts, especially in knitting.  I also have a few projects that I want to do with crochet.  So, my creativity lead me in that way right now.  From past experience, I can guess it will be an intense period of activity in knitting and crochet before I ride another creative wave.

It is good, it is bad but at the end, I follow the lead.  I am not always happy by the mono burst of creation I can have.  There are time where I want a more varied projects.  Other times, I am happy concentrating on one type of project.  Obsession may have a thing to say in all that mono creation frenzy.  It is a permission to push some projects further on and even finish some.  Moods is finicky, sometimes.

So, I wonder how long this period will last.  Will it be short, will it be longer?  Will it be a definite period of time, a window on my life where I met some people and end up going our separate way later on?  It is a great time but at the same time, sad.  I feel that I will have to eventually turn to new horizon, to another period of life with a set of new people and other projects.  Transition is not easy for me.  So, I will ride the wave the best I can and see how far it will go.

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