Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Poncho in the making

I have a poncho in the progress.  It is kid size:
I have started the hood even if it doesn't like one yet.  I have to put some buttoms too, at each side.  This will makes where the arms will stick out of the poncho.  I like the colours.  It takes two big balls of yarn (chunky cakes, triffle).

I intend to do some more, of various sizes.  I am happy to learning something new and challenging.  Of course, I am learning from this experience.  The next ones will be done a bit better and differently.  The pattern is the same all the way: Irish Moss, I think it is the name of the stitch.  Two row to give the same effect and a switch for the next two row.  Two row after two rows, inverting along the way.  Pretty easy to follow.  I may use that pattern for other projects like a blanket or a scarf.

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