Thursday, 11 August 2016

Public Transit

Public transit is great for the creative mind.  I can read, wirte, brainstorm, wool gathering for future brainstorm session, get inspired by what people are wearing.  Inspiration is always welcomed.  It can be a good place to do so.  Just looking at people, it can be turned into chracters.  I don't do drawing but I think that drawing students must always have a sketch book with them.  Personnally, I am always on the look out for jewelry.  I don't want to take them.  Just to see what I like and don't like on others.  It can trigger an better idea.

What I like less is about the place.  A place to sit to write, to take notes, isn't always available.  It is not always easy to take notes while standing.  It still to be worked on to be more creative friendly.  I don't want to infringe on other people personal space while writing and reading.  The other point is that I can't do all sort of crafting,  It is limited.  Beside reading, writing, brainstorming and for inspiration, I haven't done other crafts.  Some are impossible to do in a bus or the subway train.  No plug for woodburning.  I saw some people knitting but I haven't try it for myself.  I use lot of big ball of yarn and it is not easy to bring it with me outside.

So, the public transit is great for introspection, inspiration and brainstorming.  I like using this place for those reasons.

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