Monday, 29 August 2016

Many ways to get high

Getting high can be beneficial to creativity.  Personally, just looking at Picasso or Salvador Dali create an outside the box experience.  It set my mind almost like in a trance, in an altered state.  Those two were original and it show in their arts.  It makes me smiles to get this effect while looking at this kind of art.  Maybe it was the intended effect Dali wanted to induce in people.  Once, someone ask Dali if he was on drugs when doing his art.  He reply that he was the drugs!  I always thought he was witty while saying this.  I guess there was something deeper to his comment!

Not the only experience I got on alternative ways to get high.  Drums and rattles music had put me in a trance one.  I would be glad to repeat the experience.  Long enough (around 15 minutes) was enough for me to start seeing patter other than the monotone drumming and rattling.  As the music was playing, I was moving something like this but a bit faster and shaking a bit more the body:   Of course, I am talking about the first part.  We weren't jumping.  Moving combined with drums and rattles was quite an experience.  I even put my hairs loose.

It is my two experiences with getting high wihtout any psychotrope aids.  Some will get their high doing extreme sports or doing anything that look a bit crazy.  There is so many way to get a high now, the choice is ours.  It is not always with the negative effects of drugs.  I know that what I experienced will be useful in my act of creation one day or another.  Maybe it already have a impact and I didn't notice it.  What started to get me thinking is this video:
It is about foods that get us high.  I wouldn't say it is foods that we didn't knew get us high because I knew about the poppy seed bagel (thinks Mythbuster!) and the rye bread/ergot that induce hallucination.  I learned the rye bread elsewhere but I dont remember where.  Thinking of it, we can get high on everything, if we want.

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