Thursday, 18 August 2016

One drawing, 2 personal touch

It is quite fun to see what can be done with the same drawing.  I used similar colours for the bees but on one, I filled the body and not on the other.  The differences are better seen below.

On one, the flowers are filled and not on the other.  The contour is not the same colour, to differenciate them.  One is pink and the other is green.  The pink contoured one is the first I made.  I didn't thought I would do two little bags with bees and hearts.  The second one was easier and a little bit faster than the first one to make.  I recently made one with an owl on a branch.  I have other ones with othre drawings on it.  I am not in an hurry to do those.

I would like to do something new or a bigger project.  I also would like to try cross stitches.  I just have to find small beginner projects.  Let see if I will like it.

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