Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Creative wasteland or living in a creative desert

There are places where there is a proverty and lack of a grocery store.  It is outrageous in itself but it can be apply to the creative field.  For a creative person, a craft store is like a grocery store.  Both are important and are like breathing air.  Both are necessary for a creator.  It is a question of keeping a balance between basic survival and creating.  Creating is therapeutic.  The need of creating can become an unescapable urge.

So, I live in a creative wasteland.  There is no close craft store.  No real pieces of art around me.  I don't count the ugly wheel nearby.  It is more a hindrance.  I talk against it in the past and I won't change my mind about it.  It is a question of time before an ill advised person goes play in it for ending it's own life.  More playfully, I wonder if it will go Indiana Jones in free styling.

I think there is a few organisms that have some kind of creative programs.  It isn't well know or well advertised.  I don't think I know them all, if I know it.  I know that one in particuliar isn't attacting to me by the way it work.  It is not something I search for.  What I want is simple: a craft store that is nearer and a place where I could go to sit down and do the crafting.  I need a block of time to sit down and do something creative.  I don't ask much.  If I can learn something new is better.   No string attached.

Eat and crafting must be a right.  A right to do it or not, as we all please.

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