Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Can I sit down and create?

There are time where daily worries takes over creation time.  Once in a while it happen.  I just not like when it happen when I have ideas.  Right now, I have a few projects that I would like to do: one involving woodburning, one is a text for some paperwork, one is doing some revision on my last nanowrimo and I have to stop here because ideas bring ideas.

I am starting to think that I will have to plan my various creative projects during the day.  Morning is a no man land for creativity.  I am not a morning person.  I do not really function.  I know that evening is best for writing.  Afternoon could be for projects like woodburning.  It is the kind of plan that needed to be tested.  It is looking good on paper.  It have to be tested to see if it will work as planned.  It just that I don't lived in a perfect world where I can execute my plan as I had planned.

Even the best planned day can be screw up by something unexpected.  I also find it hard to start what I decided to do.  Once started, I am okay.  Well, I know how I work.  I am also able to get thing started when I feel the need that something had to be done.

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