Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Dionysus, hipster, trendsetter and avant-garde guy

Dionysus, the god of wine and theater.  The Roman equivalent is Bacchus.  I never been keen on Dionysus, even if he had an interesting background.  His story is quite an adventure.  He had been born twice.  He been initiated into Cybele's mysteries.  He traveled quite around, as far as India.  He was the advocate in spreading the wine culture.  Dionysus also have his group of groupies called the Maenads.  Satyrs also follow Dionysus around.  Wherever they go, there is a party.

If we take him today, Dionysus would be an hipster, a member of the lgtb scene due to his cross dressing, a trendsetter (I am sure he would invent the hipster movement) and he would be definitively an avant garde guy.  This Dionysus may have insublate some of his spirit in artist like David Bower (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bowie)  It is my personal modern interpretation of Dionysus.  If he was here today, I would probably getting more interested in him.  He would be cool.  He would be himself and be acknowledge for what he was.  He would be more than the wine god.

Dionysus would be more selleable that way, for sure!  There is deities like Persephone that have the modern image of being a goth and rave partying girl.  It is a bit sad that not all Greek deities have an modern interest.  The modern image of Dionysus is a bit too much serious and wine oriented.  Dionysus have a frosted side due to his patronage of theater.  He deserve to be a modern cool hispter trendy guy.

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