Thursday, 31 March 2016

Still experiementing, still unsatisfied

I had done some cabochon as a test this week.  Now, it is time to go for the next level: time to try with the resin cabochon.  I still have to perfect doing the stitches with beads.  I did a second row of beads.  Not to my taste but I guess I get the hang of it.  I haven't made the bezel yet.

Here what I had done until now:
The first row is green and the second row is blue.  I tried yellow as a second colour but it didn't show at all.  Seeing the photo, blue and green was not a great idea after all.  In real, it show a bit more than on the photo.

I don't see much progression since the first one I did.  More practice is needed.  I am lucky that I have plenty of resin cabochon in reserve.  I hope my learning curve will improve soon.  I don't see much improvement since the first cabochon I made.  This one is the third one.  It seems so easy on diagramps for this kind of project.  I wish there was a class or a knowledgeable person who could give me advice.

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