Thursday, 24 March 2016

Memories, sugarcoating and the mind

I am in a busy period of my life right now.  I admit juggling a few things.  It does have a side effect: as I am busy in my daily routine, my mind seems to work an extra shift.  My mind is working a bit too effectively.  I get ideas, I works on stories, I also seems to be effective on some projects, I seems to want to get everything done right away.  I sense that I may get a new bunch of new ideas in the near future.  I know that my dream life work on an written story, to get it even better, with extra more layer.  So, some rewritting and editing is approaching.

My mind seems to wander in all direction.  My mind seems to be like a octopus stretching his tentacules in various tasks.  It is a mental multitasking.  It brings various things that I saw in the past and present.  I don't know why but I just remembered a film that I saw on tv a long time ago.  I didn't remembered the title and I only remembered a small part of it.  So,  I decided I feeled lucky.  After a few unlucky keyword search, I found.  I feel a bit too much lucky on it.  The movie was Solarbabies (  When I saw it, it was an interesting idea.  I saw a clip on youtube (  So, seeing this trailor made me remember the rest of the movie.  I also remembered that even the idea was not too bad (could have done better), the movie was not a great epic movie.  It is not the first time that memories seems to be better than reality.  Youth seems to easily sugarcoat the little the mind remember.

What surprised me the most: it was from Brooksfilm.  Yes, the Brooksfilm that made The Producer, Blazing Saddle, Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood men in tights, Dracula dead and loving it in addition of Spaceballs.  I have learned something new today!  All that for saying that my memory may have sugarcoated the movie (Solarbabies).  Maybe it is something that happen when we are young and a bit innocent, without much experience and much emptied of deep critical thinking.

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