Tuesday, 29 March 2016

A time to practice and experiment

Time for a follow up for the resin cabochon.  I found a cameo piece and a small snowflake obsidian cabochon.  I decided to practice and experiement on those two piece before heading for the resin cabochon.  Here are the evolution of the cameo in disorder:

Here is the evolution of the snowflakes obsidian cabochon:

I don't know if I am getting it right.  For each one, the seed beads are place in a different position.  The cameo is horizontaly and the snowflake obsidian, it is vertically.  Both are looking decent.  For the cameo, I would had liked to put a second row of smaller seed beads but it didn't worked up as I would liked.  So, I decided to do another row of green seed beads beside the red ones.  I may miss something.  Some further experiement is needed.  The only problem now is that I will have to do the experiment on the resin cabochon.  Lucky me, I have many resin cabochon done, so plenty of experimentation that I can do.

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