Monday, 1 December 2014

I survived Nanowrimo!

I survived Nanowrimo! (  I finished on November 27th.  I think that usually, I finish a little bit earlier (like more on the 25th).  On the other hand, it went smoother this year.  I was more constant in my writing.  I wrote everyday, even if there was a few days where I didn't wrote much.  I think that taking some advance in the beginning was also a good thing.

On the flip side, I had a few moments where I wanted to throw the computer far away and go to crush it like a cigarette butt.  I had some place where I felt stuck in my story.  I had to let my mind work on it.  I was lucky to find ways to go on.  I didn't need to pick a card in a tarot deck.  In the past, it had help me to look at the pictures to keep going.

My other main problem was with the word count.  In years past, I never had problem with the word count.  The word count I had on my word processor was matching with the nanowrimo word count validator.  This year, it was different,  I got a new computer during the month and I had to change the word processor.  It is a bit saddening that I had to change my word processor.  On another hand, I had to upgrade it because of the new computer.  I didn't really had the choice but to move along.  So, my first try to validate my word count on the website of nanowrimo, there was a difference between my word count I had on my computer and the word count validator of nanowrimo.  By chance it was something like 200-300 word difference.  I quickly fixed it by doing a small last scene with mumbo jumbo.  It also opened the door to keep my mad scientist alive in the dumbest way possible.  He is a lucky guy.  If I do the story about the werewolf top secret military secret next year, I will bring back my mad scientist.

Now, I feel being in vacation.  I need to bring my sanity back and get some sleep.

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