Monday, 22 December 2014

I have found the magician!

I have found another card for my personal tarot card.  It will be the Magician.  I think it is the perfect fit for the Magician.
I will have some ajustment to do.  Mainly centering on the child.  This photo is from my personal photo file.  It is the first card that have someone in it.  It was taken on the spur of the moment.  Nothing planified.  Maybe it is better that way.  It was unexpected and it is fine with me.  As it is an "accident", it force me to see things from another angle.  Now, I have another direction to explore.

When I first had the idea of a personal tarot deck, I haven't thought of putting people on the cards.  I was thinking of statures, buildings, inanimate objects, outside scene including park, trees and the like.  My thoughts on making a personal tarot was limited to that.  I thought I would have enough material to make 78 cards.  Now, as I do the process, I see I may expand a little bit on that.

During the creative process, it is not always going according to plan.  Diverting from the expected can be a good thing.  Well, in this case, I think it is.  I can go on and limit myself to what I thought.  On the other hand, I haven't found any better Magician.  This photo will do perfectly for now.  No card is set in stone right now.  I haven't crossed the path of a statue that have a similar posture, so, I will take the photo as it is.  Who know if I find another photo that is even better?

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