Thursday, 18 September 2014

There are times where I feel lost...

There are times where I feel a bit lost.  I have a certain organization in my disorganization.  So, when I search of something, I know where to look.  No problem as long I keep myself organize in my stuff.  The problem arise when someone else think: "oh, it is in the way.  I will put it in some boxes. I will give her that service".  The other person have good intention but I end up searching for everything.  All my point of reference is lost.  I end up asking the person who did the boxing to help me find what I am searching on.

Now, I have found all the material for advancing in my pillow project.  I have two pillow I want to finish.  I have the knitted cover.  I have the zippers.  I have yarn to close the sides.  I have my sewing machine to sew the zippers on the cover.  The problem is I am searching for my crochet hook.  I have a general idea of where it is.  I haven't found it yet.  More searching will be needed to find it.  In the meanwhile, I am a bit frustrated.  I feel that I shouldn't have that kind of stupid delay.  I have everything else ready.  I am ready to move on and finish this project for good.  I have to deal with a delay now.  I won't die, for sure.  It is just that it would have been nice to have a project crossed from my to do list.

I guess I better let it known to organize my own mess myself.  My mind work on its own.  I know how it work. No one else knows how it work  Even if my stuff look disorganized to others, I know how it is ordered.  There is also some advantage for my creativity too.  Of course, I am not as disorganized as some on some tv shows.  I keep a degree of disorganization limited to my creation stuff.

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