Monday, 29 September 2014

First sewing machine use.

I have use my brand new sewing machine for the first time.  I needed a little bit of help for installing the threads.  Sometimes, two heads are better than one.  Once it is figured out, it is pretty easy.  I didn't did much in my first use.  Just figuring things out.  I even learned how to change the needle.  Pretty easy too. 

Next time I will use it, I won't need any help.  I am already ready to be on my own.  I think I will be able to figure out the rest.  I find it reassuring.  It makes me feel I aren't that dumb.  I can use this sewing machine with ease.  It is more fun to handle than the one I used in high school.  I even figure out how to change the stitches.

I haven't try the embroidery side yet.  I don't have anything in mind for this yet.  Nothing concrete for now. I also want to gain a bit more experience too.  With the first use, I was pretty much able to do pretty much straight lines.  It is not perfect.  I just have to practice a little bit more to feel okay with this.  I think it was the first step, the first use that was the hardest.  I hope that with each use, I will get better and better.

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