Thursday, 1 May 2014

Tarot, an attempt

Quite some time ago, I had done a tarot card for a collaborative tarot deck on Aeclectic tarot forum.  (  It was their fourth deck and I had done the King of Pentacles.  It look like this:

It is a black and white photo montage.  I took two pictures and put them together.  Both picture are taken on my workplace.  It is a big place.  At the time, I worked in the biggest library on the campus.  At the time, I discovered the background.  The statue is a statue is in another place on campus.  It is the statue of a guy named Edouard Montpetit.  The statue is facing a street with his name.  He was an economist, if I remember well.  I had difficulties making this montage, especially around the head of the statue.  I thought I still had both pictures separate on files.  I think I will rescan them to show the before and after.

At the time, I was seriously thinking of making a tarot deck for myself.  I am still thinking of making one for myself.  It is just that now, I don't think I will do photo montage.  The idea of a black and white photo deck is still appealing.  I do have quite a few ideas for many cards.  I don't think I will use the above King of Pentacles in my deck now.  It was and still is a very good King of Pentacles.  It is just that photo montage is not as easy as I thought it would be.

It is a work in progress.  Maybe it is time to make it a reality.  There is two other cards I made.  Don't know if I will keep in for the deck. They had been unpublished.  No one have seen them.  I think I better jolt down the ideas I have for some cards and see for the rest.  I do have a collection of photos.  I am sure I can find enough to make a deck.  If I don't, I still have a good camera to finish the job...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annik! I love tarot cards and have a few decks myself. I had no idea there was a place to make your own. How cool. I'd love to see more of your tarot work.
    Sara (from class)
