Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Writing, Nanowrimo, a mage and mad scientists.

I do like writing.  There is a few writing project I have started.  Many had their first draft with the little help of Nanowrimo (www.nanowrimo.org).  The main event is on the whole month of November.  The goal is to write 50 000 words in the whole month.  Pure madness while hitting the keyboard.  Pure delight while crossing the finish line. It is the kick I needed to sit down and doing the hard writing work.  It help me writing down some stories I had in my head for years.  They aren't perfect but I am still working on them now.  The hardest had been done.  Last November, I haven't participated.  Too busy and no great inspiring ideas.  Some say the more busy you are, the most can be done in a limited amount of time.  Kind of true but not totally true.  I would add consistency to the urgency to write.

Even if I haven't participated in nano, I am still working on a newer writing project.  It is a killer idea I had for a homework.  It was only after doing it that I saw the potential.  My main character is a magician who have a knack with stone magic.  She have two sidekick: the first one is a sword handling police cadet (for now) and the second one is a psychologist who is a cyborg.  There are two bad one.  The first is a renowned thief.  The second one is a mad scientist who created his version of Frankenstein's monster.

I have to make a confession. I do love mad scientist characters.  I like making them megalomaniac.  It add to their charisma.  On another project, I had one who was on a secret governmental project on psychic powers.  Instead of having Men in Black, I decided to have Men in Green just as an additional spoof.  I had the time of my life, especially killing my mad scientist at the end.  It was epic!  One day, I will have the courage to post the ending.  It need a bit more work in the meantime.

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