Thursday, 3 January 2019

My dream job

I wonder what would be my dream job.  Would it be about creating all day?  Probably.  Am I sure of it?  Not at all.  I am not sure because I am not in it.  I am not sure if creating something all day will be fun, be it in the short term or the long term.  It would be something I would have to test.  It is two different things to create for fun and create to earn money.  In the second one, there is a pressure to deliver.  It can be stressful, I imagine.

I wonder about it.  I have not stumble on it.  I have no clues of what would be my dream job.  Would be fun to find one.  I think that everyone have an idealized dream job, daydreaming how they will be happy in that hypothetical job.  I can't see myself in a job, even less in a dream job.  I can't do that connection.  Well, it would be fun to try a few ones or to find one that I could do a test drive.

What is the hardest is about finding one that suit me and suit my need to create.  It would be something where I would be free of social expectation and except of meeting people all the time.  No crowd for me for sure.  It will be great for my concentration, too, a boost.  There must be a place that have those restriction and where I could feel useful.  I wonder if I will be able to find something like that in this very social and connected world,..

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