Thursday, 17 January 2019


I am reading about the life of Norman Rockwell (  I like to know more about the life of an artist.  It gives a perspective on the art.   I am still at the beginning of the book.  What I discovered who was the most interesting: Norman Rockwell have a relative that was an paintor, specialized in birds.  Well, the image is in the family.

Another discovery: the Art Student League, in New York.  Still existing today.  Even have a website:  They still have classes and workshops.  Well, it is surprising to see this place existing for so long.  There must be a need to fill.  I must say that I am a tiny bit envious.  Would be fun to have classes.  Of course, the atmosphere of that school at the time of Rockwell is different of the one now.

Well, now, knowing more about his origins and his childhood, I can see that Norman Rockwell was into making an idealized way of life.  It is also great to see that he have the self discipline while being in the Art Student League even if his colleage students were not as disciplined.  I wonder what will happen next.

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