Monday, 7 May 2018

Creativity have interesting outlet

World War 2 have a lot of stories of courage, valor and creativity.  Surprising enough, creativity can save lives.  I discovered a story that show it.  I discovered that story while listening Mysteries at the Museum show (season 16 episode 2,  It is about a dog (Judy) and a man (Frank Williams) in a prisonner camp during World War 2.  They become friends when the man gave the dog his own ration.  Both become inseparable.  To get the dog safe from the guards, the man get an idea.  I do love his way of thinking and it is my favorite part of the story: the man was able to secure the dog as an prisonner of war.  Being a prisonner of war gives some protection (because of the Geneva Convention)  That man spot the two weak point of the head of the camp.  Choosing the right moment where the head of camp was intoxicated, the man came to the head of camp.  The man makes his proposition, promissing a puppy if the dog had a littler.  The head of camp would be able to give that puppy to his mistress.  It was a scealed deal and the dog even got her own ration.  The man saved the dog.  By doing so, he save his own life.  After the war, the dog got a medal.

This is why I find creativity so important.  The man got an ingenious idea to get the dog out of harm way by giving a legal protection.  In addition, it worked out perfectly.  It is creativity at work.  It show how great ideas can spring up from harsh and dangerous conditions.  This is why creativity should be cultivated.  We never know if it will be needed.  It should be part of our everyday life, not just in context of war.  The dog and the man are a extreme case of creativity.  Also, it is not an extreme case of a person getting creative, in a Dali or Picasso's way.  The case of Judy the dog is more a practical use of creativity.  This is down-to-earth creativity.

I found 2 references about this story.  There is an article from National Geographic ( and a  book on Judy the dog (

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