I am a bit ambivalent on music. There are pieces of music I find difficult to listen because it bring tears. A few examples, my grandma singing or songs like Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdQY7BusJNU). In the case of the Cyndi Lauper song, there is a reason that this song makes me go in tears. But, in any reason, some songs get me emotional and I can't always tell why. It is the same if I sing a song. I just can't do it.
And there are some music that I am totally hypnotized by. There is a fascination of them and I can listen to them over and over again. They are in my system for a good while. Recently, I discovered a song on throat singing mixed with techno:
It is a song that I can have everyday. The beat may be for something with the throat singing. Very harmonious. I thought it was the only example available on youtube. I also thought that it was a bit sad because I like the mix of throat singing and techno. Both goes so well together!
Well, I found another artist that was in the same line of music, most of the time. Here the first song I hear from him:
It blew my mind away. There is many different video on that song. Here is another one:
The quality of the song: It makes me want to go in a trance. I almost want to put it on infinite replay and get really into a trance. Would be a nice alternative to get inspired.
So, no need to get hallucinegic to get high, just find the right music to bring the trance. Then, getting the high will come. No emotions, no feelings and the reality is no longer there while being in trance.
It just puzzling for me to get two extreme just for music and not elsewhere... My mind is sometimes strange, even for myself...
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