Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Forgotten books

I recently look at some pile of books that I have.  I found some books that I forgot that I had.  There is some anthologies, some paranormal romance, some darker books.  My conclusion, I may have too much interests and books can bring informations.  There is also entainments.  It is now easy to purchase books.  I had a stockpile of books now.  I bought them in stores and online.  In the end, I ended up boying books faster than I could read them.  by chance, I buy less books right now, so I may be able to catch up.

I decided to put them elsewhere, so I can see them.  I can pick them and read them.  Where they are now, they are less likely to be forgotten again.  It will give me a lot of reading.  On the other hand, they can give me inspiration.  I am also tempted to discard some that no longer interest me.  It what I have done with some books.  I had read them and found out they weren't interesting to me.  I just have to sit down and storting them out.  Cover are always appealing but the content may not be as appealing than expected.

In the end, it was a good idea to bring out those pile of books.  Not just for dusting them.  As I looked at some of those books, I though: «I should read them!  I may get ideas from that books» or «I will gather some informations on that topic and it help me writing a story».  I also decided to put an hiatus on the acquisition of books.  I have a lot of books that I want to read and I have to take some time to read them.  I just hope those books will bring me some useful ideas down the road.

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