Thursday, 29 March 2018

Music can have strange effects, sometimes...

I am a bit ambivalent on music.  There are pieces of music I find difficult to listen because it bring tears.  A few examples, my grandma singing or songs like Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper (  In the case of the Cyndi Lauper song, there is a reason that this song makes me go in tears.  But, in any reason, some songs get me emotional and I can't always tell why.  It is the same if I sing a song.  I just can't do it.

And there are some music that I am totally hypnotized by.  There is a fascination of them and I can listen to them over and over again.  They are in my system for a good while.  Recently, I discovered a song on throat singing mixed with techno:
It is a song that I can have everyday.  The beat may be for something with the throat singing.  Very harmonious.  I thought it was the only example available on youtube.  I also thought that it was a bit sad because I like the mix of throat singing and techno.  Both goes so well together!

Well, I found another artist that was in the same line of music, most of the time.  Here the first song I hear from him:
It blew my mind away.  There is many different video on that song.  Here is another one:
The quality of the song: It makes me want to go in a trance.  I almost want to put it on infinite replay and get really into a trance.  Would be a nice alternative to get inspired.

So, no need to get hallucinegic to get high, just find the right music to bring the trance.  Then, getting the high will come.  No emotions, no feelings and the reality is no longer there while being in trance.
It just puzzling for me to get two extreme just for music and not elsewhere...  My mind is sometimes strange, even for myself...

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Some purchase I made

I have done some shopping.  It is nice to visit physical store sometimes.  I found two embroidery kits:
So, I hope it will be interesting to try them.  I hope I will be able to transder the patterns in those kits elsewhere.   I also found 2 books on embroidery:

It is a bad habit of mine: when I have a new interest, I get a lot of information and materials.  I do it a lot and after a while, I go to the next new interest.  Then, I return to previous interest.  It goes in cycles.  It is like fashion.  There are trends that goes in and out of favor.  I will see how long this interest will last before it comes back again.  Getting those items is not totally wasted.  I may get inspired by them for embroidery or in other projects that I have.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Estimating time, not easy

I wanted to do this in one day:
I ended up only doing that in the same amount of time:

I think I still not good at estimating time for those kind of projects.  I will have to work on estimating time more correctly. Maybe I am an optimist when it comes to time in project making.  So, I will continue to work on this project until it's complestion. It is taking more time than estimated, well, I will do it until completion.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Castille soap

I have a bottle of liquid castille soap around.  I have not used it.  I am ready to use it.  I just wondier if I will add essential oil to it or if it is recommended.  There is a few find that I made but I did not search for the answer to my question.  I guess that I can do whatever I please with the castille soap that I have.  The essential oils would probably add a nice smell to the castille soap, I guess.  So, it will end with a nice experimentation.  I like when I am a mad essential oils mixer!  Too bad there isn't any university level diploma in mad science!  I would add the mad essential oils mixer in the curriculum.

I had done some soaps with a 2 Lbs melt and pour castille soap base (that I found here:  I have tested one.  Very nice feeling.  They are nice looking, for sure.  I don't remember if I took photos of them.  I think it was those nice turquoise coloured one.  Time to track soap ingredients a little bit closely when I am doing soap making!  I was a bit surprised when I saw this melt and pour soap base and I wanted to test it.  Well, it is done and I don't regret it.  What I liked the most was cutting it.  It was really easy to cut.  In addition, putting colour to it was fun to do.  I thought the colour would be a little bit paler than what I got.  Usually, it is always paler when using white melt and pour base.  Not in this case.  So, I think I will buy this base once in a while, for gifts.

For vegan people, I found a nice article on a description of castille soap:  It explain that castille soap is made from pure olive oil.  So, no animals or animal products in this soap.  All vegan.  Just realized that there a few items that can be in the castille soap and essential oils is mentioned.  So, got my answer.  Sometimes I read too fast, so I guess the line with essential oils didn't register in my brain.  It also explain some uses like house cleaning and brushing teeth.  Even if it is a gentle soap, I am not game yet to test it on my gum.  I do have a wild side when it comes to experiementing, I must not wild enough for that yet.  I guess it may be because I haven't worked much with castille soap yet.

The last link also have a link on how to make castille soap.  I found a really quick video that show how to do it but no integrated recipe:  It was really quick and speeded up.  The part with measuring the ingredient is a bit scary for me.  I am not very good with scales.  In addition, I wonder if the various oils must be heated, to be in a liquid state.  It is not mentioned in the video.  It can be messy, or I am not a patient person.  I am usually on the go when doing soap.  I am always affraid to take too much time and that the ingredients had time to return to an hard state.  As I don't have all the ingredients for this recipe, I have time to look around and have a good look for the ingredients.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Forgotten books

I recently look at some pile of books that I have.  I found some books that I forgot that I had.  There is some anthologies, some paranormal romance, some darker books.  My conclusion, I may have too much interests and books can bring informations.  There is also entainments.  It is now easy to purchase books.  I had a stockpile of books now.  I bought them in stores and online.  In the end, I ended up boying books faster than I could read them.  by chance, I buy less books right now, so I may be able to catch up.

I decided to put them elsewhere, so I can see them.  I can pick them and read them.  Where they are now, they are less likely to be forgotten again.  It will give me a lot of reading.  On the other hand, they can give me inspiration.  I am also tempted to discard some that no longer interest me.  It what I have done with some books.  I had read them and found out they weren't interesting to me.  I just have to sit down and storting them out.  Cover are always appealing but the content may not be as appealing than expected.

In the end, it was a good idea to bring out those pile of books.  Not just for dusting them.  As I looked at some of those books, I though: «I should read them!  I may get ideas from that books» or «I will gather some informations on that topic and it help me writing a story».  I also decided to put an hiatus on the acquisition of books.  I have a lot of books that I want to read and I have to take some time to read them.  I just hope those books will bring me some useful ideas down the road.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Modern Mythology: The Scientist

With the dead of Stephen Hawking last week, I thought about modern mythology a bit more.  I was aware that Scientists, in general, are part of modern mythology.  We see scientists in their labs, esoteric experiments, dubious ones and some that could truly save lives.  Their lab coats are impeccable.  They have safety glasses even if there is the risk explosion is minimal.  Scientific research seems so much mysterious, I find it is akin of the old Alchemists of the Middles Ages.

The Scientific myth is a bit dual.  There is the plain scientific mind researching useful cures or understanding our universe.  There is also the Mad Scientist like Doctor Frankenstein in old black and white movies.  Their researches seems to be wilder and crazier.  It deal more as cautionary tales to me.  They seems to go to the limits of morality.  It is science going the wrong way.  With all the stores of mad scientist, it look easy to say: «Mister Sceintist, don't go that way.  You may regret it.  It is so darn wrong!»

I must admit I am fond of the Mad Scientist myth.  Exploring unethical experiements have a exciting element.  I feel I can be the bad boy of science and be safe at the same time.  Exploring under a dexk safety.  Those scientists are living on the edge and don't necesseraly see the ramification of their acts.  It is the case of Doctor Frankenstein, in the original story.

On the other hand, there is scientist who made their discovery under unexpected conditions.  It is also exciting.  Those scientists can have a nice public persona.  Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking are the perfect example.  They are seen as geniuses in their field.  They are the reference when we talk about intelligent people.  I think they help consolidate the myth of the bright and intelligent scientist, a modern myth we have right now.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Fascinating Person: Iris Apfel

Why are there people that I discover a bit late.  I should have stumbled on Iris Apfel sooner than now.  She is a fashion icon, an interior designer.  What I consider the more interesting: she seems to have an interesting life (  I saw a documentary on her on PBS.  She is vivacious and quick witted, especially considering her advanced age.  It is the impression I got from her.

I am not a fan of bling and she have a lot of them.  Well, seeing her made me conscious that bling may not suit me.  I may not like bling, especially on me.  On her, it work and she seems to like it.  At least, there isn't any big dollars signs with rhinestones and gold.  What I like most with her is her attitude.  She is not a party girl but she seems to have a good time.  She seems to be young of mind.  She seems to be fun to be around.  She still do some shopping and I think not everyone could do that in her age!

What I would be interested to talk with her: about history.  She have lived in various eras and she had been an priviledged witness to history.  I would like to hear her about what she think about famous people and various events of history.  She must also have a lot of fun stories to tell about her life, little anecdotes.  I am just happy not do her housecleaning.  Her living space is filled up with clothes and various collectivles.  She could be an artt dealer or an antique dealer all by herself!

Well, she is an interesting old lady that is keeping up with the times.  I must salute her joie de vivre!
I think I will put her in my list of interesting personalities that lead interesting lives.  she is an original person that followed her own path.  It is what I like in a person.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Apollo - Not just a pretty face cool surfer boy

Thinking of it, Apollo is busy too.  Hermes is really running around in all directions but Apollo don't sit on his laurel either.  Apollo is not just playing the lyre and be cosy cocooning.  Of course, he likes music.  His lyre comes from Hermes, so maybe he like to jam iwth his younger brother once in a while.  It probably help him feel better because Apollo love life is pretty sad.  He is not lucky in love.  There is the story of Daphne (  She is transformed into a laurel.  It is the most famous adventure in Apollo's love life.

People have to see that Apollo is not just a musician or a good of prophesy.  He is a dragon/serpent slayer (he killed Pytho, hence Apollo's priestess the Pythia).  He is seens as a civilized god.  So, culture and the arts are under his tutelage.  No wonder why we see his statues in museums.  There is a lenghty post on Encyclopeadia Mythica on everything he had done:

Because of some modern depiction, Apollo is seen as a cool surfer boy.  I not totally agree with this.  I consider him more than that.  Sure, he would probably like the surfer life but he would have other interest too.  He is more than one dimention god.  He is related with sending and healing plagues.  He have a son, Asclepius ( and a granddaughter, Hygieia (  So, even with a failed love life, he was able to have a family.

I think that Apollo can give very good advices in his specialties.  No need of prophesy when you know how to heal, be a gbood musician, feel inspired in having bright ideas, etc...  Because of his link with medecine, I think he have a bit of a geek in him.  He show the ability to learn and be up to date with new technologies.  Just looking at medecine, there had been great leap in our knowledge since the Ancient Greeks.  Doctors, nurses, paramedics and all those who work in the health sector are under his umbrella.  Of course, Aesclepius is more dedicated to doctors and Hygieia would be linked with nurses.

On the music side, he would have been a rock star.  The Grunge scene would have interest him.  There is some musicians that he would have liked or favored.  Big names like Jim Morisson and David Bowie would be good example.  Groups would be included too like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.  Apollo would have liked the music scene but I think he would have liked doing tours too.  He like to be the center of attention.  It is what I could detect from his myth.

His surfing life is a small part of his modern life.  He is more than a cool dude with a surf board.  He could be a snowboarder too.  He would be show off in his sport life,  ending his days with a guitar, playing music and be ready to give first aids if needed.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Rediscovering The Bright Idea Tarot

I do have a good size tarot collection.  I have a few oracles and a growing collection of Lenormand.  It's been a while that I dig into my collection and look up at various deck.  I had been reminded of the Bright Idea Tarot ( by someone I know.  I forgot about that deck and I dig that deck up.  I have it in my collection.

I never really used it.  Well, I have many decks that fall in that category.  What is different with this deck: I had look at it a lot before forgotting about it.  What I like about this deck: it is not a conventional deck.  It is non treathening.  It get used for brainstorming.  Some may say it is a bit bland, not very challenging (just think of the reaction for the Death or Devil cards!0   Well, I am sure there are people who will shiver at cards like the XX Examination card in the Bright Ideas deck.  On the card, there is a dentist looking at a mouth.  Our view is from the mouth of the patient.  It exist some people who have various fears and the fear of dentists is on among many other.

there is a flip side too.  Many cards can bring a little smile because the connction that can be made.  In the yellow section of the deck, for example: 4 contemplation.  The person on the card have a ressemblance of a famous recent wizard (cough Harry Potter for those who are clueless)  Another one is the V Guidance card where there is an Indiana Jones lookalike.  I like the two parallel because it gives a sense of adventure to the card.

On the VII Advancement card, there is an whimsical and wild part to the deck that is shown: a person, on a segway break a fense.    I am sure a story can be made out of it.  Personally, I wonder why that person break the fence.  I like the 6 Cooperation in the green section of the deck.  There is a team that build a sand castle.  All those cards show that breaking the mold can bring something into a new light.

I think I am ready to take a step further.  I am ready to not just browse the deck and look at the cards.  I want to see if I can read those cards.  One motivation: Would be nice to do a fast one with that deck on someone that doesn't like tarot.  I would just like to see the reaction of the person.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Recently made soap

Those soaps are my most recent creation.  For once, I am pleased with the colours.  The ice blue ones are really stunning.  The dirty turquoises are a surprsed result, colour wise.  I should be more rigourous with my colour experiment.  When I put the colour in the heated soap bases, it look good.  But sometimes, the colours change slightly when cooling off is done.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Some purchases I just made

Here is the beads that I just purchased:
I decided to buy this particuliar  strand of beads:
I gought them because they made me think of small full moon.   I will have fun to use them for a pair of earring (a classic!).  Otherwise,  maybe I would integrate them as a focal point in a necklace.

Those transparent and quartz like beads:
I had used a bigger set of those beads for other projects.  It will be interesting to use them for the same.  I also think of doing a prayer type of bracelet or necklace.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Essential Oils

When working on making soap, I put some essential oils in.  It is an essential part of my soap making products.  It is my signature.  I love being an essential oils mad scientist.  I like to blend various essential oils together as the soap base is still hot.  The end results are not always smell the roses but I tried to mix some essential oils together.  I even keep a essential oils journal where I put the essential oils recipies that I try.

Of course, there are many essential oils mixes that I have tried just once.  There is one that I had tried constantly.  That blend is for the soap that I give.  My intention behind that mix: immunity and avoiding infections.  I won't give the ratio of each essential oil, I will leave that to those who want to try.  Each person have a personal power of scent.  Some are more scent sensitive and other less.  Here is the essential oils I like to put together:
Eucalyptus essential oil
Mandarin or Orange (I think it is sweet orange) essential oil
Lavendar essential oil

It makes me think that each essential oil have it's own smell.  Some are stronger than other.  It is the case with the Eucalyptus one.  So, when it is the case, less is okay.  Each essential oils can be tweaked considering their smells.  There is also some essential oils that are more liquid than other.  What does I mean by that?  They seems to go faster when the drops of essential oils fall from the bottle.  So, it is a good idea to count the drops and follow the quickness of the drop fall.  There are the bezoin essential oil that must be heated.  Just put the benzoin essential oil botthe in some hot water for a few minutes (I think 5 minutes are okay).  The benzoin essential oil is a bit siruppy in it's unheated state.  When heated, it flow a bit more easily.

I learlend a lot while working with essential oil.  One thing that stay constant: it is fun to mix various essential oils and go for an objective like the above immunity boost I created just above.  I am thinking of creatting my mix of essential oils for bug repellant.  For sure, the immunity boost is the one I use the most.  I want to use the bug reppelant soaps for my summer soaps.  It is an experimentation worth to try for this summer.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Lavender based products

There is a companny that have a line of product based on lavender.  I have not been paid by them.  I just find some of their products quite worthwhile.  Here is their website:
They exist since a few years now.  Their products continuee to evolve.  I am tempted by their new laundry detergent.  I wonder if it is effective.  Testing products is fun, especially when no one else does it.

What lead me to go there in the first place is their gift set.  The season of birthday parties is kicking off right now and at least until April.  So, I need to stock up a few gift set.  There is period where I do gifts myself.  Other times, I buy them.  It depend on what the person want.  Sometimes, I do both, just for the person to use her gift as seems fit in her intimacy.

What I like from this compagny is som interesting and original product like this one:  It is the True Lavender Oil Roll On Applicator.  It can give a nice smell without the mess of application.  The hand sanitizer is another good purchase.  It smell fresther than other one.  I guess it is one of the power of lavender.   I am less attracted by their lip balm (if the product still exist).  I would be ready to try their deodorant.

One product that I use the most often is their lavender essential oil.  I use it constantly in my soap making.  I find this essential oil give some freshness to the product.  It is also good used as the only essential oil when I do soap for children.

I am just not ready to go to their domain.  Maybe I do not want to be overpowered by the lavender scent.