People's look are so variously plentiful. Some people have great look that fit their feature. Other peole have an element or accessory that look really cool. It match with their faces and all. I feel a bit envious sometimes. I wish to find the look or accessory that would fit me perfectly and I would like. Not an easy task.
I do have a cool accessory. It is homemade but not really visible, exceopt when peole look down. It is stripped socks. The colours are a bit hard on the eyes, well, when I look at them:
I have forgotted that I had them and that I had this picture. It is my maternal grandma who made them. I never used them. I guess I no longer fit in them. The colours are a bit at a contrast but they have a sentimental value to me. It is from a grandma that I like. She was a fun grandma. Those socks reperent something she was good at. Well, she was making a lot of socks, so she had a lot of practice over time.
So, still seachring for what will become my own style...
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