Tuesday, 7 November 2017

An experiment from a dollarstore

I bought a sun catcher at the dollar store.  I felt lucky.  I also wanted to try it too.  Here what the package look like:

And here is the content:

After having done it, I find I could have done better:
The problem: the paint. I think the package had been too long on the shelves.  It is surprising because i purhase it before Halloween and I didn't waited to do it.  So the paint was really paste.  The wrst was the white.  It was like rubber.  Amethyste, red and yellow where more speakdable.  It was easier to use them.

My first impression: these should be a test drive about those product.  If I saw a review of that product, I wouldn't had purchased it.

I had a second kit.  I pulled it out the next day.  I liked to experiemnt on the second one.  What did I do?  I thought to take some paint that I have and see if it will work.  I also want to see if it is easier to do the project.
Here is the final result:
It was easier to fill in, putting the colours with a paint brush.  I took some liberty with the colours   It was better with the second kit, with better results, I think.  It was worth the try.

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