Thursday, 12 January 2017

Pamper for creativity

One thing that I am discovering lately: there are things that can boost creativity.  Massage by a massage therapist is what comes to my mind.  I got one last week and it helped me a lot.  A relaxed state makes wonder to the mind and to the creative juices.  It let the ideas comes in.  Receptivity kick in instantly.  It should be in my life more often.

The experience can also be good source material for a story.  My experience of hot stone massage, last year, had comedic potential.  The stones were too hot for my back's sensitive skin.  I had a few unintentional jerk from the hot stones.  Even if I enjoyed myself at the time, I saw the irony in the situation.  I just have to find a way to translate it into an effective scene.  It was worth the try.

What I like about relaxing?  I can let inspiration come in.  I can take a story and think of it, adding or tweating a bit more the plotline.  I can be mental as I want.  I have free time to think about a story line or come up with a jewelry piece.  It is a time off for day to day down to earth consideration.  I am not the type to make resolution but I know where I want to do this year.  I want to schedule times where I can brainstorm ideas while my body get relax.  Even better if there is some essenstia oils as massage oil.  It smell good!

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