Thursday, 26 January 2017

Gear on in my little hamster wheel

There are slow creative time and there are more fruitful creative time.  It seems to fluctuate a bit.  Of course, it might be explained with a busy schedule.  When the busy schedule kick in, my mind seems a bit less creative because my mind and energy are put on concrete fact.   Right now, I leave a less productive creative fime to a more inspired one.  I guess that my mind was doing it's own work during my more hustling time.

All this give me much temptation: I want to be more on the creative side.  I want to put my ideas into concrete form.  I think I am in a period of testing various things.  Having a schedule and my mind clear, it seems more easy to find a balance.  I have secure a few places where I do daily choses (cleaning and phone call, for example) in the morning.  In the afternnon, it is more hands on croncrete and physical projects.  In the evening, it is writing.  I seems to be a night owl when it comes down to writing, so I am not changing a winning strategy.

I think I have found the winning combination for now.  I hope it will last long enough to be uselful.  Getting the perfect combination for a balance life is not easy.  I don't want to perturb that too much so I am crossing my fingers.  I don't want to be submerged by a period of appointement.  Those kind of periods are usually unsettling.  I find it harder to stay in touch with my creative self.  If it happen again, I will have to find a solution to keep in touch with my creative side.  If I can't do that, I will be sad.

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