Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Reflecting on past projects

There are some times where I like to look at past projects.  It happen out of the blue.  Nothing is attached to those moments, not even the nearing the present year.  I don't really feel nostalgic while looking at those projects.  It is more a down to earth process.  I like to remember the original idea, the steps of fabrication, the modification and improvements I had to make, what I learned from the project, if I had comments on the results, etc...

I like to trace my evolution throught time.  I can see where I started and what to explore next.  It is all in my head right now.  I had done a few sketches on paper.  Those sketches are really basic.  Makes me think that a portfolio or a projects journal on my progress would be a good thing.  Everything would be assembled all into one notebook.  Cool idea when thinking of it.

I do this tour of my past projects on an irregular basis.  It is not something that I need to do often.  I do have a positive vibe when I do it.  It is not vital in my life.  It show my creative evolution.

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