Monday, 12 December 2016

I miss doing that!

I learned a lot in the past years.  I took a lot of classes.  I've learned a lot of interesting facts.  There are well defrined periods that I miss.  They were intersting for a particuliar reason: a book, a craft, classes, some people I was with.

Nostalgia is in the air.  It is trendy lately.  Some people makes money out of this.  Nostalgia is nice for a short period of time.  «I miss this and that!»  I just don't like when people are constantly in it.  It had become «glitterly good», as if there was a paradise.  It is better to remember the good part only, it seems.

I do have fond memories.  I would have liked those memories to last longer.  At the same time, I remember that those time were not perfect.  There where some flaws in it, as if it was there to make me feel a tiny bit incomforable.

It is not lost time.  It is not perfect time.  It is just periods of time that where pwerful and meaningful. Those moments had an impact on me.  They may become useful one day, as an inspiration.  They are part of my source material that fuel my creativity.

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