Thursday, 3 November 2016

Not an hibernating time

Winter is commonly synonymus with hibernation.  I go against this tate of mind.  For me, it is the perfect time to be creative.  The frest cold air seems beneficial for the mind.  Ideas comes more easily when temperature goes down, it seems.  The brain may fonction better with good ventilation.

Another beneficial elements: time seems to be more available in winter.  Partly because people spend more time inside.  Another reasion may be the concentration, going for the essential.  The most important reason, I think woube be the lenght of the day.  It is shorter in winter.  It gives an extra excuse to stay inside when the sun goes down.

For sure, I feel more productive in winter.  Winter is coming in my part of the world.  Time to be crafty.  I am also realizing it would be a very good idea to take advantages of this situation.  I should keep an eye to see if I am really doing more in the winter.  I amy be under a false impression.

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