Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Garly, my love!

 Why do I discover the great stuff indirectly?  I do like garlic, a lot.  Don't mind eating it raw.  It help with the blood stream.  I always find myself better after eating garlic.  I wonder if there is a creature that is the opposite of vampires?   Garlic is like coffee.  Not everyones like it.  I hate the smell of coffee but I love the smell of garlic.  I may be on the garlicky side of life.  It repell easily those who doesn't like it.

I guess I am good at finding uneeded stuff.  Here one about garlic:
Not much in it but there is a link in there that goes to Amazon.  There is a cookbook with garlic.  Don't know if it's good.  There even a number 2 of that book.  It is done by a Garlic Festival in California.  Why that kind of good stuff is always on the unknown side of like?  Why California is so far away from where I live?  My love of garlic and onion goes deep.  Beside, an Garlic Festival is really more interesting than other agrarian festival (like those on farm animals).  In addition, all the participants don't mind having garlic breath.  I am sure they don't mind smelling the sweet aroma of garlic everywhere even in another person breath.  It would be a good place for me once in a while.

Garlic have a fun power.  I would like to see a superhero who could use garlic in his arsenal of superpower.  The garlic of doom would be a nice attack name! (-:

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