Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Where is some materials?

I had tried many techniques in the creative field.  For sure, I haven't tried them all.  It is always great to learn something new even if I do it occasionally or have a period of intense using.  Some crafts I do more often than others.  I have more occasions to do soap and less for candles.  It is fine by me.  Maybe, one day, it will be the other way around.  I can't guess when a crafts whill be more popular than the other.  In both cases (candle making and soap making), I can find easily the materials for both.  I do them enough for not missing doing them.  In addition, there are many places where to find the materials.  It is the same with fimo, I can find it in many places, even if I am taking a break from it.  I do have a lot of beads made out of fimo.  I may return to it to empty my small remaining stock pile, even if it can be a bit labor intensive.  I like to do the whole process with fimo: from the bead making to the oven part.

What I start to miss doing is using bases for liquid soap for the shower, the ones for moisturing creams and the other one for washing the face.  I like buying those bases and add essential oils.  I was buying theses at one place.  The place no longer carry those products.  I don't have any ideas about other places where it is possible to buy those bases.  I haven't seen any other store who carry those items.  My other problems is that I don't feel confident enough to makes those bases by myself.  I have enough problems doing soap from scratches, I don't want to see the disastrous results in doing bases for creams.

I don't have other choice for now.  If I want to use those bases again, I will have to find them elsewhere, mainly the internet.  I don't know if I will find those items again.  Another brand could do the trick.  It is not a fun situation.  I feel a bit blocked.  I hope to be successful in what I am searching for. 

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