Tuesday, 27 September 2016

DYI Loom Kit + Extension Part 2

Yesterday, it was about generalitys.  (Here the link for yesterday: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2758842815612261477#editor/target=post;postID=6198156006343694189).  Today, we enter into the heart of the project.

Then, I started to weave.  What I discovered would have been worth mentionning in the instruction.  This kit is not like the beading loom.  With the beading loom, it is better to weave thightly.  It is not the case with the DYI loom.  It started well but it rapidly goes awry.  It is what happned with my first try:
It did not get better with the evolution of the weaving.  I tried to repair my mistake, to no avail.  Finishing was a bit tricky even if the instruction explained the process.  Once trying it, it wasn't too bad but it wasn't perfect.  It only demanded some patience.  I lack it once threading the loose end on the side.  I only made knots and cut the excess.  What I should have done is to put it aside and return to the project later on.
It is not perfect.  I do have the excuse it was my first try.  I will give another try later on to see if I can make a better one.

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