Monday, 7 December 2015

Visible but not seeing it

There are time where I had little adventures.  Those little adventures often turned up as myself feeling a bit dumb.  It comes up as not seeing a important details.  My most recent example is about my woodburning pen.  I got it out a few days ago, wanting to do a project I have in my end of the year resolution (;postID=6449630126498581940;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname).  I wanted to start away but the tip on the pen was not the one I needed.  I did not examine where the pen was (the original packaging) so I did not see the other tips.  I have lost a few days searching for those tips.  This last evening, I look at the packaging and saw the tips.

So, it was a case of having something under my nose and not seeing it.  It is frustrating to have lost a few days searching for something that was not lost.  It is not a first time nor the last time, I am sure of that.  I think that for those kind of situation, organization is not the problem.  I have to be more careful with the details.  Maybe a little sticker notes will do the trick.

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