Thursday, 10 December 2015

How was I doing it?

Looking at the past is always done in pink google glasses, it seems.  From my memory, it seems all more simple and easy.  It seems that my life is getting more complicated.  If I had a clearer and more accurate memory, it probably be similar on some points.

It the past, it seems to be so simple to put crafting into my life.  Right now, I wonder where all my free time goes.  I don't do anything extravagant.  The rushes for Christmas must cloud my mind right now.  I feel I must be doing all the ideas I have in my head and all at the same time.  The "it was supposed to be done yesterday" syndrome is now part of my life, it seems.  Before now, I was thinking that I would never enter that way of thinking.  Now, I feel I was wrong.

Well, I must enter the "must be done" way of thinking, now.  It had served me well in the past.  I just have to not abuse that way of thinking.  It is great when under pressure but not on the long term.  I must get the rush to get things done out of my way as soon as possible.  It is nice when having the exhilirating sensation of flying throught the day and finishing projects.  I just feel the need to do it right now and have a little rest after the Holidays rush.

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