I had end of the year resolutions and it had been going very well. Just in a few hours, there will be the New Year. I will not make resolutions. There are wishes that I have. I don't know if they will be granted this year. I still not sure if I will be doing them this year. This is why they are not resolutions and more wishes. Nothing can assure me that my wished will turn into reality. So, they will stay wishes for now. I do not have any expiration date on those wishes:
-an hot stone massage. I often crave for a massage. I am also tempted to try an hot stone massage. I am adventurous enough to try it. I like stones enough to get them incorporated in a massage. Nothing to loose and a lot to gain from the experience.
-getting better in managing my time. It is more a goal. Still working on that. It may be the work of a lifetime.
-Perfecting the novels I had already written. I have not worked on them much lately. I should return to that depending how I am doing with the previous wish.
-Working in understanding the Lenormand's cards. I want to break the mystery of interpreting pairing of the cards. In this system, cards are read indiviually but work better in group. I have problems reading those cards together. I want to work on that.
-I leave a door open for more experimentation. I like that and I wish to have more occasion to do it.
I think it is a good start. Maybe there will be more wish to add to that during the year. I like to keep my option open.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
It is time to reflect on what happen during this year. It been the year of doing scary things. I have been out of my confort zone and taking some risks. It was nice. Of course, my life was not treatened. It was more doing things unexpected or not encouraged. It was also nice to express myself on crazy things (like the recent post on science fiction and those going over the edge by it). That part of the year felt refreshing. I think I have opened a door on something amusing.
I had a few elements that was in a continuity. My return to woodburning was among that trend. It was not the first craft that I had reintegrated in my life. It was more the most recent return to something I did a long long time ago. I am ready to go deeper with woodburning. I am ready to go into new areas with this one. I want to do more woodburning now. When I tried it the very first time, I didn't do it for extremely long. Now, I want to do more in the future.
This year, I had more time to decide what I want to do, what project I wanted to do, the direction I want to take. It had feeled go to know more about my aspiration and to know where I wanted to go. I hope to bring all this to the new year, the longest I can hold on that.
Monday, 28 December 2015
You're too much into crafting when...
-having too much ideas, all at the same time
-too much materials
-"where are the pliers?" (or any other tools/material)
-forget to do any essential (skipping some routine, not untentionally, of course)
-the necessary visit to the craft store if there is a lack of material (you know, didn't bought enough)
-feeling lucky to have excess materials because another crafty project can be done
-getting complaints about the excess materials or tools left around
-the "where did my day goes?" stare after seeing it is already late night and the project isn't near to be finish
-of course, there is the stereotype of the inspired crafter that is a night owl (my case, really, not good for the stereotype)
-"Oups, I drop a seed bead. Where is it?" (when it happen, I always think "Baby, I losed it one more time" with the melody of the famous tune...)
-"Hey! I am at work right now! Stop mess with my stuff!"
Truely, it is hard, hard to be a craft person.
-too much materials
-"where are the pliers?" (or any other tools/material)
-forget to do any essential (skipping some routine, not untentionally, of course)
-the necessary visit to the craft store if there is a lack of material (you know, didn't bought enough)
-feeling lucky to have excess materials because another crafty project can be done
-getting complaints about the excess materials or tools left around
-the "where did my day goes?" stare after seeing it is already late night and the project isn't near to be finish
-of course, there is the stereotype of the inspired crafter that is a night owl (my case, really, not good for the stereotype)
-"Oups, I drop a seed bead. Where is it?" (when it happen, I always think "Baby, I losed it one more time" with the melody of the famous tune...)
-"Hey! I am at work right now! Stop mess with my stuff!"
Truely, it is hard, hard to be a craft person.
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Famous science fiction and strange people
There are people who are taking themselves a bit too much seriously. Some fan of science fiction are sometimes going too far on some point. Ukraine seems to be a good place for fan of the Star Wars franchise. I found an article on a guy, in Ukraine, that had changed legally his name and dress as Darth Vader (Darth Mykolaiovych Vader). He tried to get elected as mayor of Odessa. There was a Chewbacca that was fined. As I look at the (ahem, coughing, hilarious) photos, there also some Storm Trooper that walk around town. I am sure that Lenin would not approved of his statue being turned into a Darth Vader one.
I just hope it will not end in a battle of franchise (the eternal Star Wars VS Star Trek). I have heard that some people who dress in Star Trek's uniform year round. It is less eye catching and less news worthy than a full dressed up character of Star Wars, I guess. I wonder if there will be an article on cities that can be related to both franchise (the town of Vulcan in Alberta, Canada and Tataouine, Tunesia).
I do like movies like Star Wars and Star Trek. I am just a bit less tolerent on those who goes way over the top, like the ones in the article. I find it is just too much. I don't mind those who goes to convention in cosplay, they are sure have much time to make something amazing. Maybe it is just me...
I just hope it will not end in a battle of franchise (the eternal Star Wars VS Star Trek). I have heard that some people who dress in Star Trek's uniform year round. It is less eye catching and less news worthy than a full dressed up character of Star Wars, I guess. I wonder if there will be an article on cities that can be related to both franchise (the town of Vulcan in Alberta, Canada and Tataouine, Tunesia).
I do like movies like Star Wars and Star Trek. I am just a bit less tolerent on those who goes way over the top, like the ones in the article. I find it is just too much. I don't mind those who goes to convention in cosplay, they are sure have much time to make something amazing. Maybe it is just me...
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Internet VS Books
In this day and age, internet gives a lot of information. It is great for a quick search. I just came to the realisation that it can be good but sometimes, I felt in the need to go a step further. A recent search on woodburning help me in differencing between the internet and books. It was on woodburning. I did found a few websites on the topic. It is is mainly for really first time beginner. (for example: http://www.wikihow.com/Woodburn) I am not in this category. I know a bit but I am not totally a beginner. I would say I am an advanced beginner, almost into the intermediary level.
There are site that have a little bit more information or show some woodburning pens that I never saw before (http://www.patrickfaleur.com/pyrography/, http://www.scorchpyro.co.uk/Techniques.html and http://www.instructables.com/id/Wood-burning-101-Techniques-and-Tricks/) and some that sound to be a constant work in progress but have a lot of info nonetheless. (http://www.suewalters.com/PyroSchool.html#1)
I was more lucky with books. I had found more what I was looking for in books. I had found a book that could field the last gaps that I have to learn (http://www.amazon.ca/Pyrography-Basics-Techniques-Exercises-Beginners/dp/1574215051/ref=pd_sim_14_7?ie=UTF8&dpID=51n5TKbh8wL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
This one is similar to the other but I have not decided if I will take it. (http://www.amazon.ca/Learn-Burn-Step-Step-Pyrography/dp/1565237285/ref=pd_sim_14_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=51RDHBGv2cL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
I found one that get me excited. I think it is the type of book that I need right now. I am more geared into patterns and creating my own projects right now (http://www.amazon.ca/Woodburning-Project-Pattern-Treasury-Match/dp/1565234820/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=61ykerHJ6oL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
This one is tempting. It seems to be complete and have troubleshooting too. I do not know, at this point if I will get it right away: (http://www.amazon.ca/Pyrography-Workbook-Complete-Guide-Woodburning/dp/1565232585/ref=pd_sim_14_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=617Vz5utQ6L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR123%2C160_&refRID=01HWZNDC0CW3JK822KZ)
There are other books but I think these will wait a little bit before I have a look at them. I don't know if I could find them in a local bookstore to browse all of them before buying them. I may do that after the Holidays. I am not in a hurry to get them. I can do projects anyway. I also think of looking on drawing ressources because I know it is a weak point of mine.
There are site that have a little bit more information or show some woodburning pens that I never saw before (http://www.patrickfaleur.com/pyrography/, http://www.scorchpyro.co.uk/Techniques.html and http://www.instructables.com/id/Wood-burning-101-Techniques-and-Tricks/) and some that sound to be a constant work in progress but have a lot of info nonetheless. (http://www.suewalters.com/PyroSchool.html#1)
I was more lucky with books. I had found more what I was looking for in books. I had found a book that could field the last gaps that I have to learn (http://www.amazon.ca/Pyrography-Basics-Techniques-Exercises-Beginners/dp/1574215051/ref=pd_sim_14_7?ie=UTF8&dpID=51n5TKbh8wL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
This one is similar to the other but I have not decided if I will take it. (http://www.amazon.ca/Learn-Burn-Step-Step-Pyrography/dp/1565237285/ref=pd_sim_14_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=51RDHBGv2cL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
I found one that get me excited. I think it is the type of book that I need right now. I am more geared into patterns and creating my own projects right now (http://www.amazon.ca/Woodburning-Project-Pattern-Treasury-Match/dp/1565234820/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=61ykerHJ6oL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR124%2C160_&refRID=10DWT1S6S8SKTG9H7ZQB)
This one is tempting. It seems to be complete and have troubleshooting too. I do not know, at this point if I will get it right away: (http://www.amazon.ca/Pyrography-Workbook-Complete-Guide-Woodburning/dp/1565232585/ref=pd_sim_14_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=617Vz5utQ6L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR123%2C160_&refRID=01HWZNDC0CW3JK822KZ)
There are other books but I think these will wait a little bit before I have a look at them. I don't know if I could find them in a local bookstore to browse all of them before buying them. I may do that after the Holidays. I am not in a hurry to get them. I can do projects anyway. I also think of looking on drawing ressources because I know it is a weak point of mine.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Learning about Baltic Amber
I know that the Baltic Amber is the most common amber in the world and that the famous Amber room was made fr om Baltic Amber. Now, I know more about all the fuss about the Baltic Amber with this article:
Would be fun to see the amber trade route. As I search, I found a lot of choice: https://www.google.ca/search?q=amber+trade+route&rlz=1CAASUB_enCA614CA614&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=701&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRlYCdq9_JAhUEiRoKHctACZcQsAQIJQ&dpr=1
All or nothing. Which one to choose? I hate think kind of situation. I have a legitimate question, my curiosity is awakened and I need to know. After a quick search, I find more than I bargened and feel a bit confused. Which one is the best one? After seeing a few, I guess I can have an idea and it seems logical: it goes from the north to the south, even if it deviate a little bit to go to destination.
The article had wetted my curiosity. I would have liked to learn a bit more. There are reference, so I may check that first. It is amazing the route that some gems can take to end at their destination. I think it is the first gems that had made the most distance to come at the jewelry store. If I count the antiquity, it show how the commerce could be developped even with less than modern mean of travel.
I find that amber have something that other gemstones don't have. Of course, amber is not like most of other gemstones. I don't know if it is me but amber seems to get warmer quicker than other gemstone when held in the hand. The colors of amber makes me think of various beers. I had seen someone working with amber. I seems easy to work with amber. Seeing and doing are two things. I would be game to try work with it, just to see if it is easy. It is a material that I would like to work with it, at least once. It is for the experience. I must admit that I would like to work with many stones, not just amber. Maybe I will make a list of those stones, get them and do a projects. There is a lot of things that I would try, I just don't know if there is a place where I could do that with someone more advanced than me.
Would be fun to see the amber trade route. As I search, I found a lot of choice: https://www.google.ca/search?q=amber+trade+route&rlz=1CAASUB_enCA614CA614&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=701&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRlYCdq9_JAhUEiRoKHctACZcQsAQIJQ&dpr=1
All or nothing. Which one to choose? I hate think kind of situation. I have a legitimate question, my curiosity is awakened and I need to know. After a quick search, I find more than I bargened and feel a bit confused. Which one is the best one? After seeing a few, I guess I can have an idea and it seems logical: it goes from the north to the south, even if it deviate a little bit to go to destination.
The article had wetted my curiosity. I would have liked to learn a bit more. There are reference, so I may check that first. It is amazing the route that some gems can take to end at their destination. I think it is the first gems that had made the most distance to come at the jewelry store. If I count the antiquity, it show how the commerce could be developped even with less than modern mean of travel.
I find that amber have something that other gemstones don't have. Of course, amber is not like most of other gemstones. I don't know if it is me but amber seems to get warmer quicker than other gemstone when held in the hand. The colors of amber makes me think of various beers. I had seen someone working with amber. I seems easy to work with amber. Seeing and doing are two things. I would be game to try work with it, just to see if it is easy. It is a material that I would like to work with it, at least once. It is for the experience. I must admit that I would like to work with many stones, not just amber. Maybe I will make a list of those stones, get them and do a projects. There is a lot of things that I would try, I just don't know if there is a place where I could do that with someone more advanced than me.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
What is my craft?
Some search for their career path. Some search for their sexual orientation. Some search for the meaning of life. Some people are on quests to find answers. My question is the same for the past few years: what is my craft? Of course, being a jack of all trade have it's advantages. I have various knowledges, I am not a specialist. I just want to know if I can do something good, even to perfection and better than all the crafting that I know.
It seems evident for other people to know their biggest expertise, even if they can have knowledge in connected area of their expertise. I can't say the same. I had received many compliment on various projects that I made. Nothing had come out as exceptional. No one had praised me about one of my varied projects more than the others. So, I don't have any idea where my strong area in crafting are.
I am too close of all the projects that I am doing to be a good judge. My entourage is like all entourage: they compliment me whatever the result, even if I am dissatisfied with what I made. I can see the imperfection in my work. It is not being a judge of what I had made, it is more with getting a good job, being a bit perfectionist. I sometimes wonder if the ultimate test is selling my creations. Could be but I am not ready to do it. I have my own uncertainty. I hesitate to put a toe in the selling waters. I am not the only one to think that, I guess. I better find a way to answer the question by another mean but I have not find it yet.
Maybe the real question is: what craft makes me special and unique?
It seems evident for other people to know their biggest expertise, even if they can have knowledge in connected area of their expertise. I can't say the same. I had received many compliment on various projects that I made. Nothing had come out as exceptional. No one had praised me about one of my varied projects more than the others. So, I don't have any idea where my strong area in crafting are.
I am too close of all the projects that I am doing to be a good judge. My entourage is like all entourage: they compliment me whatever the result, even if I am dissatisfied with what I made. I can see the imperfection in my work. It is not being a judge of what I had made, it is more with getting a good job, being a bit perfectionist. I sometimes wonder if the ultimate test is selling my creations. Could be but I am not ready to do it. I have my own uncertainty. I hesitate to put a toe in the selling waters. I am not the only one to think that, I guess. I better find a way to answer the question by another mean but I have not find it yet.
Maybe the real question is: what craft makes me special and unique?
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Checking one task on the list
I am proud to show the before and after of a woodburning project. The before show the project just after the woodburning part. The after photo show the project with some paints. I think I will leave them like that. At the beginning, I was thinking to do something around the fruits, but now, seeing them like that, I think it will be too much.
I am happy with the result. I experimented with the paints. I think it look good in both way, even if I think that the apple is quite stunning without the paint. The paint, on the other hand, add a little touch of colour and a bit of fullness. The grape of raisins are bette with the paints. I didn't thought that the paint would show up above the burned wood. It truely add some liveliness to the grapes.
Now, I have to perfect the painting part, not to go out of the burned lines. It will be fixed by taking my times and not feel rushed. Breathing will help too, I am sure. So, now, I feel more confident to do further projects using woodburning. It only will get better, I think. I have some basis for woodburning, the rest is practice, practice, practice...
Monday, 14 December 2015
Techno DYI
Just found this video about making a teleprompter:
It is nice to see people are able to do some techno DYI gadgetry. It prove that sometimes, we pay for the name of the compagny more than for the product. There is other video, on YouTube, that does the same. I am sure that the other videos are putting their own twist on the process and the result.
It shows that creativity is not limited to crafting. Where there is a need, there is a way to do it the DYI way, even if it can be sometimes cheap. In the case of some techno gadget like a teleprompter. I think it can be more advantageous to do it in DYI if someone makes videos as a hobby.
The video proves that creativity, some crafting, geek and technology can mix nicely.
It is nice to see people are able to do some techno DYI gadgetry. It prove that sometimes, we pay for the name of the compagny more than for the product. There is other video, on YouTube, that does the same. I am sure that the other videos are putting their own twist on the process and the result.
It shows that creativity is not limited to crafting. Where there is a need, there is a way to do it the DYI way, even if it can be sometimes cheap. In the case of some techno gadget like a teleprompter. I think it can be more advantageous to do it in DYI if someone makes videos as a hobby.
The video proves that creativity, some crafting, geek and technology can mix nicely.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
How was I doing it?
Looking at the past is always done in pink google glasses, it seems. From my memory, it seems all more simple and easy. It seems that my life is getting more complicated. If I had a clearer and more accurate memory, it probably be similar on some points.
It the past, it seems to be so simple to put crafting into my life. Right now, I wonder where all my free time goes. I don't do anything extravagant. The rushes for Christmas must cloud my mind right now. I feel I must be doing all the ideas I have in my head and all at the same time. The "it was supposed to be done yesterday" syndrome is now part of my life, it seems. Before now, I was thinking that I would never enter that way of thinking. Now, I feel I was wrong.
Well, I must enter the "must be done" way of thinking, now. It had served me well in the past. I just have to not abuse that way of thinking. It is great when under pressure but not on the long term. I must get the rush to get things done out of my way as soon as possible. It is nice when having the exhilirating sensation of flying throught the day and finishing projects. I just feel the need to do it right now and have a little rest after the Holidays rush.
It the past, it seems to be so simple to put crafting into my life. Right now, I wonder where all my free time goes. I don't do anything extravagant. The rushes for Christmas must cloud my mind right now. I feel I must be doing all the ideas I have in my head and all at the same time. The "it was supposed to be done yesterday" syndrome is now part of my life, it seems. Before now, I was thinking that I would never enter that way of thinking. Now, I feel I was wrong.
Well, I must enter the "must be done" way of thinking, now. It had served me well in the past. I just have to not abuse that way of thinking. It is great when under pressure but not on the long term. I must get the rush to get things done out of my way as soon as possible. It is nice when having the exhilirating sensation of flying throught the day and finishing projects. I just feel the need to do it right now and have a little rest after the Holidays rush.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Not proscratinating!
Art proscratination? Sometimes, I wonder if I get that bugs. There are days where I don't have time to sit down and create. It can makes me feel very bad, I admit it. Creating something is a must have and is very therapeuthic for me. If I skip it, I do have some shame that is associated with proscratination. I am still figuring a way to have a daily dose of creativity. Not always evident with many appointment and other life duties. I still have to figure that out.
Evening is the best period, for me, on the creative side. I am a bit of a night creative creature. Most of the week, I could do creative pursuit then. When I am not available for the evening creative shift, I am a little bit bugged. I could try to do something creative during the day. Not evident. I should look at what I can do during the day. Maybe some jewelry piece. It is more doing than thinking. I have a few ideas that are ready to get done.
Another thing that I am trying: in the downtime that could be called proscratinating, from a exterior eye, I started to think about projects I want to do, taking notes and brainstorming. At least, in these times, i am receptive to new ideas. So, I think that the word «proscratination» can be banned from my life.
Evening is the best period, for me, on the creative side. I am a bit of a night creative creature. Most of the week, I could do creative pursuit then. When I am not available for the evening creative shift, I am a little bit bugged. I could try to do something creative during the day. Not evident. I should look at what I can do during the day. Maybe some jewelry piece. It is more doing than thinking. I have a few ideas that are ready to get done.
Another thing that I am trying: in the downtime that could be called proscratinating, from a exterior eye, I started to think about projects I want to do, taking notes and brainstorming. At least, in these times, i am receptive to new ideas. So, I think that the word «proscratination» can be banned from my life.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Visible but not seeing it
There are time where I had little adventures. Those little adventures often turned up as myself feeling a bit dumb. It comes up as not seeing a important details. My most recent example is about my woodburning pen. I got it out a few days ago, wanting to do a project I have in my end of the year resolution (https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2758842815612261477&pli=1#editor/target=post;postID=6449630126498581940;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname). I wanted to start away but the tip on the pen was not the one I needed. I did not examine where the pen was (the original packaging) so I did not see the other tips. I have lost a few days searching for those tips. This last evening, I look at the packaging and saw the tips.
So, it was a case of having something under my nose and not seeing it. It is frustrating to have lost a few days searching for something that was not lost. It is not a first time nor the last time, I am sure of that. I think that for those kind of situation, organization is not the problem. I have to be more careful with the details. Maybe a little sticker notes will do the trick.
So, it was a case of having something under my nose and not seeing it. It is frustrating to have lost a few days searching for something that was not lost. It is not a first time nor the last time, I am sure of that. I think that for those kind of situation, organization is not the problem. I have to be more careful with the details. Maybe a little sticker notes will do the trick.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
End of the year resolutions
I want to do things a bit differently. People like to take New Year Resolution. Well, why not take a end of the year resolutions? I would like to have a few resolutions to work on for the whole month of December. I have to change my mind from the madness of Nanowrimo (nanowrimo.org). So, my end of the year resolutions will be on projects that are not written. So, no novel and story writing during the month of december. Time to do some crafting. December should become the perfect month to do crafts!
My first priority will be the Christmas gifts. I do have two piece of woods that wait for me. They will be used in a woodburning project. I just have to find pictures or make a drawing on them first before using my «wood burning pen» on the wood. It will be a big chunk of work. It is better not going quick with the «pen». After that, there is some sanding to be done, to put everything smooth. Finally, there is varnish the wood, for a protective coat. I will have to buy a transparent varnish, it is the only item that I don't have with me. It will be a real surprise for the one I will give that.
Of course, I am thinking doing some jewelry pieces and some soaps. My stockpile of soaps is on it's end. For the jewelry pieces, well, it is a classic of gift and I feel inspired lately. Having some extra soaps and extra jewelry pieces already made are also very handy in case of an emergency and last minute gifts, real life saver! It also makes people talk.
Finally, I am thinking to try my hands on the Kuhuhimo. It is a type of braiding (a site here: http://www.kumihimo.com/). It seems easy but seeing and doing can be two different things. I do have the starter kit. I don't have the tread, even wonder if it is needed. I am tempted to try with other cords. Nice experimentation to try. I like experimenting.
My first priority will be the Christmas gifts. I do have two piece of woods that wait for me. They will be used in a woodburning project. I just have to find pictures or make a drawing on them first before using my «wood burning pen» on the wood. It will be a big chunk of work. It is better not going quick with the «pen». After that, there is some sanding to be done, to put everything smooth. Finally, there is varnish the wood, for a protective coat. I will have to buy a transparent varnish, it is the only item that I don't have with me. It will be a real surprise for the one I will give that.
Of course, I am thinking doing some jewelry pieces and some soaps. My stockpile of soaps is on it's end. For the jewelry pieces, well, it is a classic of gift and I feel inspired lately. Having some extra soaps and extra jewelry pieces already made are also very handy in case of an emergency and last minute gifts, real life saver! It also makes people talk.
Finally, I am thinking to try my hands on the Kuhuhimo. It is a type of braiding (a site here: http://www.kumihimo.com/). It seems easy but seeing and doing can be two different things. I do have the starter kit. I don't have the tread, even wonder if it is needed. I am tempted to try with other cords. Nice experimentation to try. I like experimenting.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Where is the glamor of the artist life?
Recently, I had a talk with some one who know me. It is a well known fact that I have the artistic bent. I got all praise on the artistic part of myself the whole encounter. It is fun to have compliment on what I make but why do give praises just for the artistic traits that I possess? I do not understand that. It does not based on something concrete. Would be great to be rich each time people praise creativity.
Glamor and the artist life seems to go hand in hand. Pretty illusion and maybe some artist had entertained that idea to an ideal. It is easy for those who are well known to reflect the sparkles. The current system that surround some present artists gives possitive feedback to those who had succeedded and that are making money. It is true for actors, musician and singers.
It is nice to get some praised for what I had done or what I am. On the other hand, I do not makes my living out of my creativity, not yet. So, I do feel it is a bit of nosense that some people praise me on something that is part of me but that is not yet used to it's full potential. In addition, it is one part of my life, not the total sums of myself.
Next time someone does that, I think I will ask for a glass of absinthe and excuse myself by saying that I needed to visit the spa. If glamor and artists are linked together, better laugh at the stereotyping. I do not fit the stereotype, so I may have to play with it.
Glamor and the artist life seems to go hand in hand. Pretty illusion and maybe some artist had entertained that idea to an ideal. It is easy for those who are well known to reflect the sparkles. The current system that surround some present artists gives possitive feedback to those who had succeedded and that are making money. It is true for actors, musician and singers.
It is nice to get some praised for what I had done or what I am. On the other hand, I do not makes my living out of my creativity, not yet. So, I do feel it is a bit of nosense that some people praise me on something that is part of me but that is not yet used to it's full potential. In addition, it is one part of my life, not the total sums of myself.
Next time someone does that, I think I will ask for a glass of absinthe and excuse myself by saying that I needed to visit the spa. If glamor and artists are linked together, better laugh at the stereotyping. I do not fit the stereotype, so I may have to play with it.
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