Monday, 30 November 2015

Sending my thanks to a teacher.

Many years back, I had a teacher.  He made us work hard.  How?  By asking us to write a paragraph on a theme.  I remember the first one: hammer.  The class did not came with much.  It was kind of a failure, as a homework.  He patiently help us brainstorm.  He show us the things that we considered common knowledge: the hammer's shape and of what material it's made.  The uses of an hammer, how we can hurt ourselves if we do not coordinate our mouvements,  It can be used to assemble so much things!  It is a common tool on any construction site.  It can also be finded in most homes, to do quick repairs and it is an handy tool to have around.

It had opened a window at the time.  When he explain the things that can be done and how the hammer is made of, I thought it was cool to see in that angle, even if it was obvious knowledge.  In a way, that teacher had showed the class how to brainstorm to write a paragraph on anything and that can be useful elsewhere.
Now, I can see how useful it can be.  It had helped me for description, in writing and not always rely on a plan.  I can have a picture in my head of an object and describe it on the paper without any problem.  It work best when the picture is crystal clear in my head.  My fingers, then, had to follow my line of thoughts and what I see clearly in my head.  In those times, word count fly and I feel confident on where I am going.

It is been a long time that I haven't saw that teacher.  So, I could not have the chance to thank him personnally, face to face.  Would be nice to be able to thanks him one day.

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