There are signboard and they often inform us on important matter. There are time where some are hilarious the way they are written. There is also time where I feel some irony surging in me. Here an example of ironical sign I found:
I don't know if it is readable but they are renovating their windows and washroom. I don't know why they feel the need to inform us about it. I can guess it for the windows anyway. They have some apparatus visible for the windows anyway. It can't be used for any other purppose exept maybe washing the window panes.
Where I feel the irony is about the washroom. Do they have to tell the world about that? I had always thought that what happen in the washroom stay in the washroom. If I would exhibit my own renovations, I would skip the bathroom because I want to keep some shy reservation about it. This place is a public educational place so it is sure their washrooms need some work. I just don't feel the need to know about it. It is not like slowing a car near a accident but I am sure people aren't slowing down to look at this sign. There isn't any boody appeal anyway. I won't even talk about the amount spent on the building. Usually, it is needed just to keep the building standing. It is probably money well spent on this case. They probably getting things better. It isn't a exceptiomnally pretty place but I am sure it is justified renovations.
So, beside the washroom, I have nothing to say about this sign. Some may say it is important to have transparancy about public spending. On a personal level, I would have omitted the washroom or have put some other wording (isolated public space?). I may be the only one feeling that irony. It doesn't bother me to be the only one feeling this way.
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