Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Finding notes

I think I just had a case of misplaced notes.  I find some important notes for an recent story.  On those pages, there was really useful information.  They mostly are recurring informations.  It is not on the story itself but more with items and things that characters do.  It is a bit like finding a treasure.  I kind of forgot about that information.  So, I am happy to find it again, this is why I say it is like a treasure.  It is important notes to add more to the story.

The story is a mix between a dungeon & dragon world and a techno world.  Eventually, in the story, some techno geeks will be able to become techno-mage.  I do have an idea how it will come to be.  Since I have started this story, I have taken a lot of notes.  The notes I just found will be added on with the rest, on the computer.  I just don't understand how those notes had fray from the rest of my notes.  The most important, is that I had found them and not to loose them again.

Time to go have a look in all my papers,  I don't want to have other ideas scattered around...

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